Young Portland movers and shakers enjoyed a social mixer hosted by Natalie Sept. The event brought together many colleagues from the nonprofit sector, including representatives from Women for Girls Inc. of Northwest Oregon, the Right Brain Initiative and Caldera summer programs. (Photos by Andie Petkus) Gina Keough, Sarah Graham, Natalie Sept, Sara Kacvinsky, Rhiannon Leonard and Ariel posed behind the bar at the December 11th party.

Natalie Sept with Chandra Brown (right) and friend. Chandra is President of United Street Car and was recognized as a "Champion of Change" by President Obama last year.

Natalie Sept with Chandra Brown (right) and their friend. Chandra is President of United Street Car and was recognized as a "Champion of Change" by President Obama last year.

Everything from ultimate frisbee teams, candidates for political office, professional artists and more: a motley crew united in love of wine who look great in black and white.

Everything from ultimate frisbee teams, candidates for political office, professional artists and more: a motley crew united in love of wine who look great in black and white.

Shannon and Chris Knox are the ever well-dressed couple and never disappoint with their costume choice.

Shannon and Chris Knox are the ever well-dressed couple and never disappoint with their costume choice.

 Julie Keefe and husband John Klicker both photographers, have the camera turned on them! Julie is a devoted photographer and teacher who recently pulled together the "Hello Neighbor" project working with at risk youth in North and Northeast Portland--also a teacher with the Caldera summer program

Julie Keefe and husband John Klicker both photographers, have the camera turned on them! Julie is a devoted photographer and teacher who recently pulled together the "Hello Neighbor" project working with at risk youth in North and Northeast Portland--also a teacher with the Caldera summer program

Kevin Noonan and Rebecca Burrell. Rebecca is the Outreach Specialist for arts education catalyst the Right Brain Initiative, and looks smashing in red lipstick!

Kevin Noonan and Rebecca Burrell. Rebecca is the Outreach Specialist for arts education catalyst the Right Brain Initiative.

Tall girls rule! Natalie Sept with the unmistakable Kasey Jones, President of Women for Girls at Girls Inc. of Northwest Oregon.

Tall girls rule! Natalie Sept with Kasey Jones, President of Women for Girls at Girls Inc. of Northwest Oregon.

Natalie Sept is a communications and public relations specialist and currently the campaign manager for Portland mayoral candidate, Eileen Brady.
