Acclaimed local authors: Molly Gloss, Kim Stafford, Jean M. Auel, Phillip Margolin, Libraries Yes Chairman Brian Wilson and author, Ursula K. Le Guin
The Friends of the Multnomah County Library (FOL) advocate for and support our public library system.
From Friends of the Library, Multnomah County.
The Friends of the Multnomah County Library (FOL) advocate for and support our outstanding public library. We are committed to raising the standard of excellence of our library by funding programs and services beyond what is allocated in the operating budget. We also sponsor activities which bring together people who value libraries.
The Two-Part Plan to Save Our Library
The commissioners approved this final proposal at their January 5 board meeting. The room was packed with library supporters. The details of the final proposal are as follows:
This will be a two-step process.
1.A 3 year $.89 local option renewal in May 2012
2.District Ballot Measure November 2012
The First Step is A Levy Campaign for May 2012
Summary of a 3 year levy @ $0.89 cents:
- The county would maintain its current ongoing general fund commitment to the library – including yearly increases for inflation
- ALL library branches would remain open, albeit with reduced hours
- ALL outreach services would be maintained
- $10M in one-time-only funds would be transferred to the library at the outset to buy back hours over the life of the levy
- Cuts would amount to approximately 10% (compared to 66% if the ballot measure fails)
The Second Step Is A District Campaign in November 2012
The board’s resolution will include language committing the board to referring a district to the November 2014 ballot.