Portland, September, 6th. The Friends of Tryon Creek announced in its inaugural year, the Backyard Habitat Certification Program had nearly 100 Lake Oswego participants. The Friends are kicking off the second year to promote naturescaping, wildlife stewardship, sustainable stormwater management, and invasive species removal through the Backyard Habitat Certification Program.

Wilma McNulty received Gold-certification in February
“The Backyard Habitat Certification Program is a great way for residents to have fun in becoming a key part of regional conservation efforts. Every backyard matters and this program is there to support and recognize homeowners every step of the way”, said Matthew Collins, Education Director for the Friends of Tryon Creek. “We have accomplished so much in year one and look forward to building upon that success going forward.”
The Friends of Tryon Creek in partnership with the City of Lake Oswego, the Audubon Society of Portland, and the Columbia Land Trust launched the Backyard Habitat Certification Program in Lake Oswego in August 2011. This program, developed by the Audubon Society of Portland and Columbia Land Trust, provides assistance and incentives to residents with small lots (an acre or smaller) who seek to restore native wildlife habitat to their backyards.
For a number of years the Friends of Tryon Creek have taught “Landscaping for Conservation” workshops with similar goals: To reduce water use and the need for fertilizers and pesticides while providing a healthy yard with lots of habitat. The Friends will continue to offer Landscaping for Conservation workshops and encourage residents to prepare for the certification process by attending one of them. They provide an ideal opportunity to prepare applicants for what to expect from the certification process and how to best prep their yards. Please visit this link to sign up for a Landscaping for Conservation class with the Friends of Tryon Creek.
About the Friends of Tryon Creek
The Friends of Tryon Creek are a catalyst for cultivating a lifelong relationship with nature using Tryon Creek State Natural Area, Oregon’s only urban state park, as our classroom. We are known throughout the region for our exceptional environmental education programs and stewardship opportunities.
Tryon Creek State Natural Area is located at 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd in southwest Portland. The 670-acre park currently welcomes over 385,000 visitors each year and is home to over 200 species of birds, mammals and amphibians. Visitors enjoy miles of hiking trails, a paved bicycle path and equestrian trails.
The Friends of Tryon Creek was founded in 1969 by a group of forward-thinking individuals who came together to preserve the unique and historic forested canyon that borders Lake Oswego and Portland and turn it into a park. Today, the Friends, a private non-profit that receives no direct state funding, continues to utilize the park as a classroom for their environmental education programs as well as leading efforts to conserve and restore the park to a more healthy and flourishing ecosystem.
For details and a schedule of events, visit www.tryonfriends.org.