Judith Rizzio from Cascades AIDS Project and Nathan Buck from Our House
Portland, September 28th. Oregon Business magazine announced its fourth annual 100 Best Nonprofits to Work for in Oregon. Our House and Cascade AIDS Project were two of the organization honored. The rankings were revealed Thursday night at the Portland Hilton. The magazine surveys employees and organization representatives about benefits, then spotlights the winners in the nonprofit sector.
There’s more info in the October issue of Oregon Business magazine and the magazine website.
Here are some of the results of the survey:LARGE ORGANIZATIONS | ||||||||
•••••50 OR MORE OREGON EMPLOYEES••••• | ||||||||
WEBSITE | TITLE | |||||||
1 | 7 | Life Flight Network | Aurora | Michael Griffiths | 90 | Emergency air medical services for heart attack, injury, accident, etc. | 516.33 | |
lifeflight.org | CEO | 196 | ||||||
2 | 1 | Oregon Research Institute | Eugene | Byron Glidden | 220 | Human-behavior research | 515.41 | |
ori.org | Administrative Director | 240 | ||||||
3 | 4 | Oregon Gymnastics Academy | Beaverton | Lisa Havelind | 60 | Gymnastics programs for children of all ages and abilities | 508.02 | |
ogagym.org | Executive Director | 60 | ||||||
4 | 9 | Tualatin Valley Water District | Beaverton | Greg DiLoreto | 117 | Special district and water utility | 507.06 | |
tvwd.org | CEO | 117 | ||||||
5 | NR | Energy Trust of Oregon | Portland | Margie Harris | 86 | Helps utility customers save energy and tap renewable resources | 503.07 | |
energytrust.org | Executive Director | 86 | ||||||
6 | 2 | REACH Community Development | Portland | Dee Walsh | 96 | Affordable housing development and management, free home repairs, etc. | 500.49 | |
reachcdc.org | xecutive Director | 96 | ||||||
7 | NR | B’nai B’rith Camp | Beaverton | Michelle Koplan | 130 | Summer overnight camp for Jewish children | 498.36 | |
www.bbcamp.org | Executive Director | 130 | ||||||
8 | 9 | Our House | Portland | Wayne Miya | 59 | Provides health and housing services to people living with HIV/AIDS | 498.17 | |
ourhouseofportland.org | xecutive Director | 59 | ||||||
9 | 3 | Mary’s Woods at Marylhurst | Lake Oswego | Marvin Kaiser | 200 | Continuing-care retirement community | 490.51 | |
maryswoods.com | CEO | 200 | ||||||
10 | NR | Open Meadow Alternative Schools | Portland | Andrew Mason | 80 | Educates youth in personal responsibility, academics and community service | 489.71 | |
openmeadow.org | Executive Director | 80 | ||||||
11 | 11 | Northwest Family Services | Portland | Rose Fuller | 50 | Professional counseling, job readiness, positive youth development, etc. | 487.74 | |
nwfs.org | Executive Director | 50 | ||||||
12 | 8 | Catholic Charities | Portland | Pietro Ferrari | 200 | Pregnancy support/adoption, immigration/refugee aid, youth services | 482.37 | |
catholiccharitiesoregon.org | Executive Director | 200 | ||||||
13 | NR | Children’s Nursing Specialties | Portland | Patti Sadowski | 76 | Home-based nursing for medically fragile children and young adults | 479.62 | |
cnsnursing.org | Executive Director | 76 | ||||||
14 | 28 | Living Opportunities | Medford | Roger Hassenpflug | 162 | Services for people with developmental disabilities | 478.06 | |
livingopps.org | CEO | 162 | ||||||
15 | 12 | Metropolitan Family Service | Portland | Judy Applegate Strand | 82 | Programs for children, families and older adults; parent education | 477.37 | |
metfamily.org | CEO | 82 | ||||||
16 | NR | Maps Credit Union | Salem | Mark Zook | 170 | Credit union | 476.08 | |
mapscu.com | CEO | 170 | ||||||
17 | NR | Rose Villa Senior Living | Portland | Vassar Byrd | 120 | Continuing-care retirement community | 474.36 | |
rosevilla.org | CEO | 120 | ||||||
18 | 10 | Childpeace Montessori School | Portland | Sue Pritzker | 50 | Independent Montessori school for toddlers through 8th grade | 470.89 | |
childpeace.org | Head of School | 50 | ||||||
19 | NR | NW Energy Efficiency Alliance | Portland | Susan E. Stratton | 60 | Accelerating energy-efficient products, services, practices in the Northwest | 469.84 | |
neea.org | Executive Director | 60 | ||||||
20 | 17 | Cascade AIDS Project | Portland | Michael Kaplan | 51 | Prevention of HIV infection, support for people affected by HIV/AIDS | 468.85 | |
cascadeaids.org | Executive Director | 51 | ||||||
21 | 21 | Community Counseling Solutions | Heppner | Kimberly Lindsay | 93 | Outpatient mental-health and addiction treatment, residential mental health, etc. | 468.59 | |
communitycounselingsolutions.org | Executive Director | 93 | ||||||
22 | NR | Cascade Health Solutions | Eugene | Cheryl Boyum | 130 | Home health, hospice, occupational medicine and community wellness | 465.46 | |
cascadehealth.org | CEO | 130 | ||||||
23 | 23 | Partnerships in Community Living | Monmouth | Zellee Allen | 675 | Services to people with developmental disabilities in their homes and jobs | 464.01 | |
pclpartnership.org | xecutive Director | 675 | ||||||
24 | NR | Human Solutions | Portland | Jean DeMaster | 86 | Helps low-income and homeless achieve self-sufficiency | 460.91 | |
humansolutions.org | Executive Director | 86 | ||||||
25 | NR | SAIF Corporation | Salem | Brenda Rocklin | 807 | State-chartered workers’ compensation company | 456.4 | |
saif.com | President andCEO | 807 | ||||||
26 | NR | Pentagon Federal Credit Union | Eugene | Chris Martin | 360 | Credit union | 456.33 | |
penfed.org | VP, Regional Svc. | 1442 | ||||||
27 | 20 | La Salle Catholic College Preparatory | Milwaukie | Denise L. Jones | 65 | Catholic, co-ed college preparatory school, transformative education | 454.97 | |
lsprep.org | President | 65 | ||||||
28 | 13 | Family Building Blocks | Salem | Sue Miller | 80 | Early-childhood and therapeutic family support services | 453.29 | |
familybuildingblocks.org | Executive Director | 80 | ||||||
29 | 31 | Edwards Center | Aloha | Jessica Leitner | 200 | Residential and employment support for adults with developmental disabilities | 449.86 | |
edwardscenter.org | Executive Director | 200 | ||||||
30 | 15 | Mercy Corps | Portland | Neal Keny-Guyer | 200 | Alleviates suffering, poverty and oppression internationally | 449.76 | |
mercycorps.org | CEO | 4,000 | ||||||
31 | NR | United Cerebral Palsy OR/SW WA | Portland | Ann Coffey | 118 | Developmental disability advocate and service provider | 445.98 | |
acommunityforeveryone.org | Executive Director | 118 | ||||||
32 | NR | NeighborImpact | Redmond | Sharon Miller | 180 | Serves the economically disadvantaged of Central Oregon | 445.06 | |
neighborimpact.org | Executive Director | 180 | ||||||
33 | 32 | ColumbiaCare Services | Medford | Robert C. Beckett | 238 | Promotes mental health with regional system of behavioral heath care facilities | 442.75 | |
columbiacare.org | Executive Director | 244 | ||||||
•••••20-49 OREGON EMPLOYEES••••• | ||||||||
WEBSITE | TITLE | |||||||
1 | 1 | Full Access | Eugene | Margaret Theisen | 35 | Case coordination and fiscal support for adults with intellectual/develop. disabilities | 532.58 | |
fullaccess.org | CEO | 35 | ||||||
2 | 12 | Northwest Housing Alternatives | Milwaukie | Martha McLennan | 29 | Affordable housing and homeless services | 522.44 | |
nwhousing.org | Executive Director | 29 | ||||||
3 | 20 | Sponsors | Eugene | Paul Solomon | 26 | Re-entry for people with criminal histories, transitional to permanent housing | 518.08 | |
sponsorsinc.org | Executive Director | 26 | ||||||
4 | 15 | Saving Grace | Bend | Janet Huerta | 28 | Domestic violence and sexual assault agency in Central Oregon | 511.5 | |
saving-grace.org | Executive Director | 28 | ||||||
5 | 2 | Ronald McDonald House Charities OR/SW WA | Portland | Tom Soma | 24 | Provides a “home away from home” to families with seriously ill children | 507.5 | |
rmhcoregon.org | Executive Director | 24 | ||||||
6 | 5 | Oregon Partnership/Lines for Life | Portland | Judy Cushing | 28 | Ending substance abuse and suicide through 5 crisis lines and education | 503.6 | |
linesforlife.org | CEO | 28 | ||||||
7 | NR | Bradley Angle | Portland | Deborah Steinkopf | 20 | Domestic-violence services | 500.35 | |
bradleyangle.org | Executive Director | 20 | ||||||
8 | 11 | NEDCO | Springfield | Claire Seguin | 23 | Revitalizes communities, builds affordable homes, financial management services | 495.53 | |
nedcocdc.org | Executive Director | 23 | ||||||
9 | NR | Bark | Portland | Alex P. Brown | 26 | Empowering Oregonians to protect and restore Mt. Hood National Forest | 493.93 | |
bark-out.org | Executive Director | 26 | ||||||
10 | 6 | Ride Connection | Portland | Elaine Wells | 47 | Safe, reliable transportation options to help maintain individuals’ independence | 489.46 | |
rideconnection.org | Executive Director | 47 | ||||||
11 | NR | Bend Area Habitat for Humanity | Bend | Mark Quinlan | 22 | Builds and sells affordable housing | 485.19 | |
bendhabitat.org | Executive Director | 500 | ||||||
12 | 14 | JOIN | Portland | Marc Jolin | 21 | Homeless street outreach and housing | 482.9 | |
joinpdx.com | Executive Director | 21 | ||||||
13 | 10 | Portland YouthBuilders | Portland | Jill Walters | 24 | High-school completion, vocational training and leadership dev. for low-income youth | 480.72 | |
pybpdx.org | Executive Director | 24 | ||||||
14 | NR | CASA of Oregon | Sherwood | Peter Hainley | 20 | Affordable housing, neighborhood facilities for underserved communities | 480.19 | |
casaoforegon.org | Executive Director | 20 | ||||||
15 | 30 | Rural Development Initiatives | Eugene | Craig Smith | 26 | Builds leadership networks and rural communities | 475.85 | |
rdiinc.org | Executive Director | 26 | ||||||
16 | NR | Dogs for the Deaf | Central Point | Vaughn Maurice | 29 | Rescues dogs from shelters, trains and places them with those needing help | 474.48 | |
dogsforthedeaf.org | General Manager | 29 | ||||||
17 | NR | Ashland Supportive Hsg. & Comm. Outreach | Ashland | L. Sue Crader | 32 | Housing and direct-care support for people with developmental disabilities | 473.7 | |
ashlandash.org | Executive Director | 32 | ||||||
18 | NR | Eugene Hearing & Speech Center | Eugene | Doris Towery | 24 | Provides audiological and speech language services | 472.41 | |
eugenehearingspeech.org | Executive Director | 24 | ||||||
19 | 5 | South Coast Business Employment Corp. | Coos Bay | J. J. McLeod | 42 | Senior services, workforce services to low-income, dislocated adults and youth | 472.09 | |
scbec.org | CEO | 42 | ||||||
20 | 13 | National Indian Child Welfare Association | Portland | Terry L. Cross | 23 | Technical-aid training, information and advocacy for Indian child welfare | 471.21 | |
nicwa.org | Executive Director | 23 | ||||||
21 | NR | The Freshwater Trust | Portland | Joe Whitworth | 29 | Freshwater restoration, conservation and education | 470.38 | |
thefreshwatertrust.org | President | 29 | ||||||
22 | 33 | Travel Oregon | Salem | Todd Davidson | 31 | Tourism promotion for the state of Oregon | 470.06 | |
traveloregon.com | CEO | 31 | ||||||
23 | NR | Friendly House | Portland | Vaune Albanese | 40 | Neighborhood center and social services for children, families, adults and seniors | 456.62 | |
friendlyhouseinc.org | Executive Director | 40 | ||||||
24 | NR | Conservation Biology Institute | Corvallis | James R. Strittholt | 21 | Scientific expertise to support conservation and recovery of biological diversity | 456.11 | |
consbio.org | Executive Director | 30 | ||||||
25 | 27 | Growing Tree Children’s Center | Bend | Tammy Rundle | 25 | Year-round early childhood education | 453.8 | |
thegrowingtree.org | Executive Director | 25 | ||||||
26 | 28 | Sunstone Montessori School | Portland | Cathy Newman | 21 | Preschool and elementary Montessori school | 450.27 | |
sunstonemontessori.org | Head of School | 21 | ||||||
27 | 24 | Oregon Medical Association | Portland | Joanne K. Bryson | 23 | Physician membership association | 449.79 | |
theoma.org | EVP andCEO | 23 | ||||||
28 | NR | The Next Door | Hood River | Janet Hamada | 45 | Prevention and treatment services for children and families | 449.6 | |
nextdoorinc.org | Executive Director | 45 | ||||||
29 | 29 | SMART (Start Making A Reader Today) | Portland | Chris Otis | 33 | Recruits volunteers to read one-on-one with pre-K to third-grade children | 449.07 | |
getsmartoregon.org | Executive Director | 33 | ||||||
30 | 26 | Friends of Trees | Portland | Scott Fogarty | 21 | Tree planting and community building | 448.01 | |
friendsoftrees.org | Executive Director | 21 | ||||||
31 | 23 | Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives | Portland | Maxine Fitzpatrick | 30 | Affordable housing to provide family stability, self-sufficiency | 447.35 | |
pcrihome.org | Executive Director | 30 | ||||||
32 | NR | Family Tree Relief Nursery | Albany | Renee Smith | 25 | Child-abuse prevention program | 445.39 | |
Executive Director | 25 | |||||||
33 | 16 | HIV Alliance | Eugene | Diane Lang | 38 | Supports those living with HIV/AIDS and prevents new infections | 436.33 | |
hivalliance.org | Executive Director | 38 | ||||||
•••••FEWER THAN 20OREGON EMPLOYEES••••• | ||||||||
WEBSITE | TITLE | |||||||
1 | 2 | Oregon Environmental Council | Portland | Andrea Durbin | 17 | Safeguards clean air and water, an unpolluted landscape and healthy food | 537.33 | |
oeconline.org | Executive Director | 17 | ||||||
2 | NR | Coquille Indian Housing Authority | Coos Bay | Anne F Cook | 10 | Indian housing programs | 528.62 | |
coquilleiha.org | Executive Director | 10 | ||||||
3 | NR | Aim High Academy of Martial Arts | Beaverton | Dan Sikkens | 19 | Martial arts education and development for youth and adults | 524.82 | |
aimhighma.org | Executive Director | 19 | ||||||
4 | 7 | Western Rivers Conservancy | Portland | Phil Wallin | 11 | Conservation of river ecosystems through land acquisition | 523.68 | |
westernrivers.org | President | 14 | ||||||
5 | 20 | Family Relief Nursery – Cottage Grove | Cottage Grove | Heather Murphy | 16 | Child-abuse prevention and therapeutic family support services | 521.58 | |
frncg.org | Executive Director | 16 | ||||||
6 | 4 | Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp | Portland | Kaleen Deatherage | 9 | Outdoor experiences for individuals with disabilities for personal growth, inclusion | 521.21 | |
mhkc.org | Executive Director | 9 | ||||||
7 | NR | Friends of the Columbia Gorge | Portland | Kevin Gorman | 13 | Protects scenic, natural, cultural and recreational resources in the Columbia Gorge | 516.4 | |
gorgefriends.org | Executive Director | 13 | ||||||
8 | 23 | Macdonald Center | Portland | Patricia Janik | 11 | Outreach, housing, support for low-income adults with disabilities | 515.38 | |
macdcenter.org | Executive Director | 11 | ||||||
9 | 16 | Galt Foundation | Salem | Dennis Moore | 10 | Temporary staffing services employing individuals with disabilities | 515.25 | |
galtfoundation.org | Executive Director | 20 | ||||||
10 | 30 | Society of St. Vincent de Paul | Portland | Anna Plaster | 14 | Emergency food, rent and utility assistance | 513.66 | |
svdppdx.org | Executive Director | 14 | ||||||
11 | NR | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lane County | Eugene | Sari M. Pascoe, Ph.D. | 11 | Mentoring programs | 508.34 | |
bbbslane.org | CEO | 11 | ||||||
12 | 6 | Northwest Pilot Project | Portland | Susan Emmons | 15 | Assists low-income seniors in finding affordable housing and in living independently | 508.32 | |
nwpilotproject.org | Executive Director | 15 | ||||||
13 | NR | Sitka Center for Art and Ecology | Otis | Eric Vines | 7 | Art and ecology workshops, artist residencies, annual contemporary art show | 501.78 | |
sitkacenter.org | Executive Director | 7 | ||||||
14 | NR | Portland Homeless Family Solutions | Portland | Brandi Tuck | 14 | Temporary emergency shelter for homeless families with children, etc. | 501.49 | |
pdxhfs.org | Executive Director | 14 | ||||||
15 | 13 | “I Have a Dream” Foundation – Oregon | Portland | Mark Langseth | 11 | Helps low-income children succeed in school and college | 500.57 | |
ihaveadreamoregon.org | President andCEO | 11 | ||||||
16 | 4 | Valley Credit Union | Salem | Jean Wheat-Palm | 18 | Credit union serving the health care and postal service fields | 495.98 | |
vhpecu.org | President andCEO | 18 | ||||||
17 | NR | Elders in Action | Portland | Leslie Foren | 6 | Quality-of-life advocacy for older adults | 494.59 | |
eldersinaction.org | Executive Director | 6 | ||||||
18 | NR | Compassion First | Beaverton | Mike Mercer | 3 | Aftercare and legal advocacy for child-sex trafficking survivors, police training, etc. | 493.74 | |
compassionfirst.org | President | 16 | ||||||
19 | NR | Gresham Chamber of Commerce | Gresham | Alison Hart | 3 | Chamber of commerce | 493.22 | |
greshamchamber.org | CEO | 3 | ||||||
20 | NR | Growing Gardens | Portland | Debra Lippoldt | 8 | Promotes home and school food gardening | 491.25 | |
growing-gardens.org | Executive Director | 8 | ||||||
21 | 5 | Playworks | Portland | Jonathan Blasher | 19 | Supports safe, healthy and inclusive play and physical activity in schools | 490.57 | |
playworks.org | Executive Director | 450 | ||||||
22 | NR | Young Entrepreneurs Business Week | Salem | Kelly O’Brien | 2 | Entrepreneurship, finance, career readiness, etc. for high school students | 489.34 | |
yebw.org | Executive Director | 2 | ||||||
23 | NR | Oregon Wild | Portland | Sean Stevens | 11 | Protecting and restoring Oregon’s wild lands, wildlife and waters | 486.23 | |
oregonwild.org | Executive Director | 11 | ||||||
24 | 14 | Sustainable Northwest | Portland | Martin Goebel | 11 | Nonpartisan support for a community-oriented, conservation-based economy | 485.89 | |
sustainablenorthwest.org | President | 11 | ||||||
25 | 25 | Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest | Portland | Jeanne Haster | 18 | Recruits full-time volunteers for social service, env., school and health programs | 485.87 | |
jvcnorthwest.org | Executive Director | 18 | ||||||
26 | NR | Pacific Rivers Council | Portland | John Kober | 6 | River conservation | 484.62 | |
pacificrivers.org | Executive Director | 6 | ||||||
27 | 26 | Portland Women’s Crisis Line | Portland | Rebecca Nickels | 9 | Domestic- and sexual-violence intervention and response | 483.62 | |
pwcl.org | Executive Director | 9 | ||||||
28 | NR | Clean Energy Works Oregon | Portland | Derek Smith | 18 | Energy-efficiency upgrades that create jobs and energy savings | 482.85 | |
cleanenergyworksoregon.org | CEO | 18 | ||||||
29 | NR | Caldera | Portland | Tricia Snell | 17 | Year-round youth-group mentoring through the arts | 482.68 | |
calderaarts.org | Executive Director | 17 | ||||||
30 | 12 | Northwest Catholic Counseling Center | Portland | Erin Peters | 17 | Behavioral-health services for all who seek counseling regardless of faith or finances | 480.03 | |
nwcounseling.org | Executive Director | 17 | ||||||
31 | NR | Centro LatinoAmericano | Eugene | Marcela Mendoza | 11 | Social services, mental health and substance- abuse services for Latinos | 479.28 | |
centrolatinoamericano.org | Executive Director | 11 | ||||||
32 | NR | Volunteers in Medicine Clinic | Springfield | DeLeesa Meashintubby | 18 | Free medical services for low-income, uninsured adults in Lane County | 478 | |
vim-clinic.org | Executive Director | 18 | ||||||
33 | NR | Jewish Federation of Greater Portland | Portland | Marc N. Blattner | 13 | Fundraising and community building | 474.23 | |
jewishportland.org | President andCEO | 13 | ||||||
34 | 33 | Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center | Portland | Paula Lucas | 11 | Serving American victims of abuse in foreign countries | 471.25 | |
866uswomen.org | Executive Director | 11 |
The survey was voluntary and free of charge. Participating nonprofits had to employ at least 10 Oregon workers (and/or volunteers who worked an average of 20 or more hours per month) at the time of the survey. Organizations were categorized as small if they had fewer than 20 Oregon employees; medium if they employed 20-49; and large if they employed 50 or more in Oregon. For the 2012 survey nearly 5,000 nonprofit workers rated their satisfaction with 169 organizations in 25 workplace qualities — five in each of the following categories:
Organization representatives answered about 50 questions covering a comprehensive set of benefits including health and wellness, time off, family-friendly policies, work scheduling, incentives, retirement plans and culture.
The employee survey counted for 5/6 of a nonprofit’s score. For each organization, the average employee satisfaction rating was calculated in each of the five categories above on a scale of 0-100. The benefits survey was also scored on a 100-point scale, accounting for the remaining 1/6 of the overall score, resulting in a total possible score of 600.
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