Portland, October 12th. The music was upbeat at Montgomery Park when 200 Portland Rose Festival Foundation supporters kicked up their heels and raised $70,000. Past Rose Festival Court Members helped out including: 2006 Queen Grace Neal, 2007 Queen Elizabeth Larson, 2004 Princess Breanna Probasco-Canda, 2008 Queen Marshawna Williams, 2010 Queen Victoria Dinu, 2001 Princess Sharitha McKenzie and 2010 Princess Lindsay Patino. (Photo credit, Brian Ross) Leslie Goodlow-Baldwin chaired the event.

K103’s John Erickson and Bruce Murdock escort 2010 Rose Festival Queen Victoria Dinu to the stage to start off the 2012 Rock ‘n’ Roses Dinner and Auction.
Auctioneer Randy Wells charges the crowd up for a special pink card appeal during the Rose Festival’s Rock ‘n’ Roses Dinner and Auction.
From The Portland Rose Festival Foundation:
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation is a non-profit that serves the community by providing families with events and programs that promote the arts, education and volunteerism. We value environmental responsibility, cultural diversity, patriotism and our floral heritage.
Looks like a great event! Did you attend? What was the highlight?