Dream Big Gala a Big hit for “I Have a Dream” Oregon

Portland, October 13th. 475 guests joined forces to support “I Have a Dream” Oregon at the Nines Hotel. The annual “Dream Big” auction raised $285,000, a 20% increase over last year. Abbey Gibb of KGW was the host for the evening and Timber Joey came out to help. The “I Have a Dream” Oregon program serves over 1,200 Dreamers in Oregon, from pre-K through college.  Advocates works collaboratively with other local organizations to provide mentors, access to social and academic wraparound services, and create a “culture of college and career” within schools and Dreamer families.

Dreamers from the “I Have a Dream” Oregon Dreamer School in Reynolds School District before going on-stage at Dream Big 2012

Sara Caldwell-Kan, Class 9’s College Access Coordinator with Class Sponsors Julie & Robb Ball and President & CEO Mark Langseth


Board Member Kay Hall with her husband Dan Hall and “I Have a Dream” President & CEO Mark Langseth smile for the camera in front of art from famed artist Tom Cramer during the social hour

Dreamer School Dreamers help show off the live auction artwork handcrafted with the support of “I Have a Dream” Oregon’s friend Polly Spencer and Alder Elementary Dreamers.

Class 9 Dreamer, Arthur Jackson, delivers a heart-felt special appeal speech about how the Dreamer Program has made all the difference in his life as he approaches high school graduation. Arthur received a standing ovation.

Special guest Timber Joey!

From “I Have a Dream”  Oregon:

We believe that, with the right supports, low-income students can overcome barriers to a great education. For over 20 years, we have been helping Dreamer students with three proven core services: long-term relationships with caring adult mentors; access to wraparound services; and creating a “culture of college and career” within schools and Dreamer families.

While our service delivery model has changed, our mission remains the same: to help low-income students succeed in school, college and career.

National: In 27 cities across 17 states – over 14,000 student “Dreamers”

Oregon: Nearly 900 student Dreamers served since the first student class was ‘adopted’ in 1990, with 655 additional Dreamers being served at the Dreamer School at Alder Elementary.

Classes: 7 in Portland and 3 in Forest Grove/Cornelius

Schools: The first Dreamer School was launched in 2011 at Alder Elementary

According to a study completed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory in 2009, Dreamers that have participated in “I Have a Dream”  Oregon programs have benefited from:

Increased high school graduation/GED rates: In 2011, 94% of our Dreamers graduated from high school – nearly 3x the rate for students with their backgrounds.

Increased college attendance

Increased high school completion rates of teen mothers and decreased discipline problems for all Dreamers, including suspensions, expulsions, and referrals to the judicial system.

 Where they are in 2012:

– Dreamers from Class 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are enrolled in colleges and universities around the nation

– Class 9 Dreamers are 12th graders with our programming based out of Benson High School

– Class 10 Dreamers are 8th graders with our programming based out of Vernon Elementary

– The 2011 – 2012 year signaled the first year of implementation for the Dreamer School at Alder Elementary

Support Dreamer Programs by making a gift, applying to be a volunteer, or spreading the word now!

Here’s a look at “I Have a Dream” Oregon’s new video:

Elisa Klein

I’ve been a professional journalist and writer since 1987, (and long-time reporter for KOIN-TV.) As a nationally published reporter, with a Master’s Degree in Journalism, I love to report positive news and information. Journalism has also connected me with another non-profit where I served as a leader; the Northwest’s biggest writer’s organization: The Willamette Writers.

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