Beaverton, May 3rd, 2013. Nike employees did more than ‘strike’ a few pins at Sunset Lanes, the group raised $200,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters at the annual Nike Bowl for Kids’ Sake.  Nike’s Cirque de Bowle team show’s off its award winning costumes. (photo credit, Al Sigala) Nike staff filled the bowling alley dressed in different costumes which added to the festive feel of the high energy event.

Among the stand outs, is team Lanesanity II, which itself raised just over $60,515. Team captain Walter Fuller, is the leader in money raised for any single Bowl for Kids' Sake team in the nation.

Among the stand outs, is team Lanesanity II, which itself raised just over $60,515. Team captain Walter Fuller, is the leader in money raised for any single Bowl for Kids’ Sake team in the nation.

Nike executive and Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) board member, Tim Hershey (right), meets with event coordinator Judi Charman as bowlers roll in their donations.

Nike executive and Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) board member, Tim Hershey (right), meets with event coordinator Judi Charman as bowlers roll in their donations.

About: Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest:

We recognize that children benefit from focused encouragement to help them reach their full potential. A component to mentoring’s long-term success is to connect a child with a positive adult friend who simply understands the child’s background and culture. That is why we created programs unique as the children we serve.

Become a Big Brother, Sister or Couple
Learn more about child safety
Enroll your child

For more information about all of our programs, contact Al Sigala at
