Oregon City, August 9th, 2013. Rose Festival Queen Hannah Rice volunteered with Deena Jensen at the Portland Rose Festival Foundation Golf Tournament. Hannah is from Madison High School and caddies during the summer at Rose City Golf Course. She’ll attend University of Oregon this fall on a Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship. At the Stone Creek Golf Club, event Chair Darci Hansen welcomed 21 teams to the Festival’s annual links event which was presented this year by Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon. Proceeds benefit the mission based events and programs of the Portland Rose Festival Foundation. (Photo credit, Deena Jensen)

Justin Apmadoc – Local Sales Manager, Comcast Spotlight, Jerry Scott – President/CEO, Elmer’s Restaurants, Inc., Al Wiegert – Director of Sales, Comcast Spotlight and John Cordova – Director of Operations, Elmer’s Restaurants, Inc.

Patrick McCreery, KPTV/KPDX General Manager and Larry Adoff, KPTV/KPDX Research Director gear up for tee time.
From the Portland Rose Festival Foundation:
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit dedicated to serving families and individuals and events that promote the arts, education, and volunteerism. The Foundation values environmental responsibility, diversity, patriotism, and our historic and floral heritage.
The Rose Festival Foundation annual auction will be on October 11th, at Montgomery Park. The theme is a Tailgate & Roses Dinner. More information is available at: