James Mercer, The Shins, Stephanie Schneiderman, CCA Founder and CEO, Regina Ellis, Patrick Lamb, and Amy Maxwell
Portland, January 4th, 2014. Last year was an exciting time in Portland’s nonprofit community for organizations like the Children’s Cancer Association. We’ve scoured our archives to find the most viewed stories on PortlandSocietyPage.com in 2013. During our second year offering nonprofit news we were honored to be nominated for the PDX-Tech-4-Good Award! We’ve published a total of 708 stories and had 268,700 page views on the site. Bottom line: you’re reading and enjoying PSP and many of you return over and over again to see what’s new!
Below are your top 10 most viewed stories, and links to check out the vibrant nonprofit benefits which captured your attention.
Drum-roll please…
#10 National Charity League Recognition Dinner Honors Class of 2013
Portland, April 14th, 2013. After six years of service to the community, 24 high school seniors from The National Charity League, Inc. Portland Chapter were honored at a special celebration at the Governor Hotel. (Photo credit, Andie Petkus) Most of the young women, including Mariel Klein, Courtney Hall, Madeleine Waldram, Austin Quinlan and Sarah Murphy, began volunteering with their mothers during seventh grade and in total, the seniors worked 3,795 hours.
#9 Portland International Auto Show Charity Preview Party Offers Deluxe Details
Portland, January 23rd, 2013. Auto aficionados like Erik Krieger, Bill Coit and Carl Christoferson enjoyed a sneak peek at the $257,000 Ferrari 458 Spyder. The charity preview was a fundraiser for The American Heart Association, The Boys and Girls Club and JDRF the organization focused on Type 1 Diabetes. The event was open to the public for the first time this year and attracted several hundred people happy to donate $200 for some one-on-one time with their dream cars.
#8 First Annual Father of the Year Awards raises $150,000 to Stop Diabetes
Portland, June 6th, 2013. The American Diabetes Association of Oregon & SW Washington raised $150,000 at the first annual Father of the Year Awards. Fathers honored included: Craig Robinson, Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Oregon State University; Duncan Campbell, Child Activist and Founder of Friends of the Children and The Campbell Group; Mike Greene, Partner, Rosenthal, Greene & Devlin, P.C; Scott Keeney, President & CEO, nLIGHT; and Chris Dudley, Former NBA Player and Founder of the Chris Dudley Foundation. (photo credit, Andie Petkus)
#7 The 29th Annual Classic Wines Auction Raises Over $2.9 million
Portland, March 2nd, 2013. The $2.9 million raised at this year’s gala will benefit local children and families. The 29th Annual Classic Wines Auction also drew more supporters ever with a sell-out crowd of 920. Record attendance was a thrill for 2013 Co-Chairs: John Bradley, R & H Construction, Cindy Campbell, The Campbell Foundation, and Keith Barnes, Barnes Capital Management.
#6 Portland Parks Launches Free Movies and Concerts for Summer Fun
Portland, June 24th, 2013. One of the the terrific aspects of summertime in Portland is the long list of outdoor concerts and movies scheduled though the City of Portland’s Parks Bureau. The links below will give you more details and there’s also full listing of events below. YES! It’s music to our ears!
#5 The Schedule’s Here for the 2013 Christmas Ship Parade
Portland, December 6th, 2013. This year marks the 59th year for the Christmas Ship Parade on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers in Portland, Oregon. We’ve got the schedule for both routes with viewing locations and times for restaurants, hotels and outdoor viewing.
#4 Amy Roloff’s 5th Annual Starry Night Gala Raises Funds for Needy Families
Portland, December 29th. 2012 was an exciting year in Portland’s nonprofit community. We’ve scoured our archives to find the most viewed stories on PortlandSocietyPage.com over the past 12 months. Was it the OMSI gala? The Red Dress Party? A Portland Center Stage Bash?
#2 Children’s Cancer Association 13th Annual (Super) Hero Gala Hits Million Mark
Portland, Sept. 21, 2013. A superhero themed gala had super-sized results as organizers proclaimed, “CCA’s League of Extraordinary Friends unleash a force of goodness for seriously ill children and teens.” James Mercer of the The Shins, Stephanie Schneiderman, CCA Founder and CEO, Regina Ellis, Patrick Lamb, and Amy Maxwell took the stage to celebrate. (Photo credit, Michael Gary) Portland-based Children’s Cancer Association (CCA) celebrated hitting $1,000,000 for the first-time ever. “For one magical night, the Portland Art Museum was converted into the Hall of Justice and welcomed more than 600 honored super-powered guests,” the nonprofit reported.
#1 South Waterfront Sparkles as New Restaurant “Quartet” Fills Lucier’s Void
Portland, February 8th, 2013. The VIP preview of “Quartet” drew dozens of Portland’s movers and shakers. The new restaurant will open on Valentine’s Day. It features an upscale menu offering Pacific Northwest cuisine with a Southern influence. Portland restaurateur Frank Taylor says of his new waterfront venture, “Quartet is a combination of hospitality, cuisine, music and lively, friendly ambiance.” The establishment’s first fundraising preview party will take place on February 13th and benefit Self Enhancement, Inc., the a local non-profit helping at-risk youth.
So there you have it!
Thank you for supporting PortlandSocietyPage.com this year. We look forward to covering hundreds of great nonprofit events in 2014. If you have an event, suggestion, or would like to advertise on Portland’s only nonprofit news website, please contact us at info@portlandsocietypage.com.
Best wishes for a prosperous and generous 2014.
Elisa Klein, Editor
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