Portland, May 8th, 2014. 750 Meals on Wheels People supporters turned out for the organization’s annual luncheon at the Oregon Convention Center. Meals on Wheels People Executive Director Joan Smith and New Seasons Market CEO Wendy Collie posed for a photo. Wendy was the keynote speaker at the event which raised more than $440,000 to provide hot meals to seniors throughout the greater metro area.

The mission of Meals on Wheels People is to enrich the lives of seniors by making nutritious food, social contacts and other resources easily accessible. To the extent possible we will also serve disabled, institutionalized and nutritionally at-risk populations. Our vision is that no senior will go hungry or experience social isolation.

From National Council for Aging Care:

Too many of our nation’s seniors are going hungry.

The National Council for Aging Care is dedicated to educating seniors and those who care for them.

Our article, The Facts Behind Senior Hunger: http://www.aginginplace.org/the-facts-behind-senior-hunger addresses some of the causes, complications, and cures for senior food insecurity.
