For this year’s Day of Service project, Dennis' 7 Dees Landscaping centered on improving numerous landscape issues for a non-profit housing complex of very underprivileged families in SE Portland. Lincoln Woods is a 74 unit family housing complex managed through Human Solutions that is home to low income families with over 200 children in total living at the complex. They develop permanent affordable rental housing, manage real estate assets for quality and stability, and provide comprehensive resident services based on understanding that affordable housing is only the first step towards families achieving self-sufficiency.
Portland, July 24th, 2015. What could be better than helping children “dig” gardening? That was the goal at a special event: “Seed for Today, Root for Tomorrow: Dennis’ 7 Dees presents a Farm-to-Table Garden Party benefiting Human Solutions.” The event raised approximately $10,000 for programs like the SE gardening project at Lincoln Woods where kids are getting dirt under their nails and loving it. Lincoln Woods is 74 unit family housing complex managed by the the nonprofit, Human Solutions. It’s home to low income families including over 200 children. Last spring, Dennis’ 7 Dees volunteered to spruce up the complex. As word spread that there were going to be garden boxes built and flowers planted , there was tremendous interest shown by the children. It was a great success and so Dennis’ 7 Dees wanted to step in and make the program bigger and better by hosting this new fundraiser.
The inaugural benefit took place at the SE Portland Dennis’ 7 Dees Garden Center at 6025 SE Powell Boulevard. Over 100 guests and sponsors gathered to help Human Solutions with their new children’s Garden Program at their various locations. The program will help homeless and low-income families around the Portland area.
This fundraiser was born from a long-term partnership between Dennis’ 7 Dees Garden Centers and Human Solutions which was strengthened during previous Earth Day/Day of Service events held at their shelters and housing facilities over the last few years. At these events, the staff from Dennis’ 7 Dees volunteered their time and supplies to help brighten and improve the grounds at the various Human Solutions’ shelters and housing complexes for the homeless or low-income families residing there.
As Master of Ceremonies, local celebrity Garden Expert Mike Darcy welcomed all guests as they sampled local food and beverages from Portland-area vendors.
Executive Director Jean DeMaster explains why the program is important: “Human Solutions owns and operates affordable housing complexes that are home to hundreds of very low-income families. We have witnessed the children in these housing facilities thrive when exposed to gardening. Dennis’ 7 Dees and Human Solutions are committed to helping homeless and low-income children continue to grow and develop in positive ways. With the proceeds from this event, we will continue to work to help vulnerable children achieve their full potential so they can grow into responsible adults who give back to their community.” Raised Garden Beds are now available at four housing complexes operated by Human Solutions: Lincoln Woods, Arbor Glen, Green Tree Court, and The Pines. Additional beds could be developed at any of the other 14 Human Solutions properties as funds become available.
Human Solutions builds pathways out of poverty by promoting self-reliance for homeless and low-income families and individuals in East Portland and East Multnomah County. Human Solutions shelters or houses more than 550 homeless people each night. The agency’s four primary program areas are: overcoming homelessness, affordable housing, employment and economic development, and safety net services such as rent and utility assistance. For more information or if you wish to donate to this program, visit For more information about Dennis’ 7 Dees, go to:
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