Portland, November 9th, 2015. More than 500 corporate and community leaders, philanthropists and fundraising executives came together to celebrate philanthropy and the 2015 Philanthropy Awards honorees. Susannah Morgan CEO Oregon Food BAnk presented the Outstanding Philanthropic Corporation award to Mark Ganz, President/CEO Cambia Health Solutions, along with Master of Ceremonies Gwyneth Gamble Booth. Many extraordinary contributions to our community were celebrated at the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Philanthropy Awards Luncheon at the Portland Hilton & Executive Tower. (Photo credit, Andie Petkus)

Presenters and Receipients: Jean DeMaster, retired Exectuive Director Human Solutions; Joan Foley, President ARCS Portland; Cheryl Ramberg Ford; Pat Reser board member Medical Teams International; Brian Gard; Allyn Ford; Bill Furman.
Vollum Award for Lifetime Philanthropic Achievement recipient Bill Furman accepting his award. (background: Dr. Edward J. Ray, President Oregon State University who presented the award.
Outstanding Volunteer Group Award to Medical Teams International Volunteers represented by (l to r): Dr. Dale Canfield, Dr. Mary Burry, Helen Unfred, MC Gwyneth Gamble Booth, Presenter and MTI Board Member Pat Reser, and volunteer Dr. Tom Hoggard
Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Brian Gard who along with John Mohlis (absent) raised money for the Unite for the Knight on behalf of OHSU. Pictured with Gwyneth Gamble Booth and L.Keith Todd, President OHSU Foundation
Here’s a list of all of the winners:
The 2015 Philanthropy Awards honoring volunteers, donors, business and nonprofits:
Vollum Award for Lifetime Philanthropic Achievement Bill Furman
Outstanding Philanthropists Allyn Ford and Cheryl Ramberg Ford
Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Brian Gard and John Mohlis
Outstanding Philanthropic Corporation Cambia Health Solutions
Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation ARCS Foundation
Outstanding Volunteer Group Medical Teams International Volunteers
Outstanding Innovative Project The Rosewood Project (by Human Solutions)
The funds raised through this luncheon help our local AFP chapter advance philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising. The core activities through which AFP fulfills this mission include education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing and advocacy.