Portland, December 21 2015. It’s a time for reflection for members of the Junior League as members gear up for their New Year’s Eve Charity Ball December 31, 2015 at the Gerding Theater at the Armory. Highlights of 2015 have included the seventh annual JLP CARES event in October where board members, Regina Wheeler, Sarah Burns, Courtney Flood, Kristin Kilshaw, and KaDo Gorman were all smiles. (photo credit, Erica Ann Photography)

Devin and Leslie Nevius spent time marking their bids for the silent auction.

Devin and Leslie Nevius spent time marking their bids for the silent auction.

The JLP CAREs Committee were true to their red dress theme.

The JLP CAREs Committee members were true to their red dress theme.

Dozens of bottles wines were on display for the wine grab.

Dozens of bottles wines were on display for the wine grab.

Guests enjoy the beautiful cityscape from atop the Portland EcoTrust building.

Guests enjoy the beautiful cityscape from atop the Portland EcoTrust building.

2015 also saw members involved with a “Gingerbread Jamboree” which is A Junior League of Portland’s Fundraiser Gingerbread House decorating for families on December 5th.


The Gingerbread Jamboree 2015 — at Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI).

The Gingerbread Jamboree 2015 was held at Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI).

The league also welcomed 117 Provisional members following a remarkable recruitment season.

The league also welcomed 117 Provisional members following a remarkable recruitment season.

From Junior League:

Women building better communities. That’s the Junior League.
The Junior League has been the driving force behind the kinds of initiatives and institutions that make our community a healthier, more vital places to live.

Junior League members, reflecting a wide range of backgrounds, interests, and professional pursuits work together to identify unmet needs, forge effective coalitions, and work for change. Time and time again, the Junior League is among the first organizations to step up to the plate and tackle a community’s biggest challenges.

Junior League of Portland is successful because of our outstanding group of committed, trained volunteers. Our members create new initiatives, drive current community programs, and manage fund development efforts to support our efforts. Membership requirements include dues, committee assignments, attendance and volunteer requirements, and fund development efforts. Membership requirements are flexible to accommodate a variety of work and personal schedules.
Our membership tiers include:Provisional Members
Members in their first year, learning about JLP’s programs, fund development efforts and membership requirements.To learn more about becoming a Provisional Member, click here.Active Members
Committee members, Chairs and Board members leading the day-to-day activities of JLP.Sustainers
After several active years, Sustainers continue their support of JLP, without the active requirements.For more information on how to become a member, email

Transferring to Portland? Email membership@juniorleagueofportland.org
