Portland, OR. Nearly 300 people attended Central City Concern‘s 2016 “We Are Family” dinner, which raised $100,000. Central City Concern Executive Director Ed Blackburn, Representative Shemia Fagan and Letty Owings Center Alumnae, Alycia enjoyed the event. A video featured Alycia’s success story. The mother of three sons is now enrolled in a program to become a Licensed Practical Nurse. The benefit at the Multnomah Athletic Club, raised funds for Central City Concern’s Letty Owings Center and Family Housing programs. (photo credit, Andie Petkus)

Event volunteer and CCC board members Linda Girard and Chief Clinical Operations Officer Leslie Tallyn, pose with CCC board member Julie Shepper
CCC’s staff provide individual employment and parenting support to families living in CCC’s 90+ units of Family Housing across the Portland metro area.
Each centerpiece featured a hand-knitted hat, thanks to members of Our Savoir’s Lutheran Church in Lake Oswego, OR.
The funds raised will be used for furniture for organizing toys in the toddlers’ play area, new dressers for 29 bedrooms, blinds for the nursery, new couches for the Community Room and more. Donations support parents and children in an alcohol and drug-free family housing communities. The residents receive mentoring and recovery support as they move toward self-sufficiency.