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We’re Bringing The Standard’s 2016 Volunteer Expo to You

Portland, OR. The 8th annual Volunteer Expo featured 137 nonprofit organizations vying for volunteers. The free event had a wide variety of focus areas including arts, culture, humanities, the environment, animal welfare, health, human services and more. (There’s a list with links to the organizations below.)

Alexa Paulsson and Mia Barnett recruit for the Children’s Book Bank.

“The nonprofit organizations featured at the Volunteer Expo have an invaluable impact on our communities, and they count on the public’s support and involvement to achieve their missions,” said Greg Ness, chairman, president and CEO of The Standard. “At The Standard, we’re proud to host the annual Volunteer Expos because when nonprofits and community members connect, everyone wins.”

Victoria Thompson and Erin Stephens recruited for the ALS Association.

Marianne Sadee and Katherine Vardanega were recruiting for Bridge Meadows. It has the mission of developing intergenerational neighborhoods for adoptive families of foster children.

Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council had help from Lisa Dixon (LMSW) and Gary Carroll.

Lawrence Evers and Marie Hutchinson were manning the Audubon Society of Portland booth.

Meghan Anderson spoke with a prospective volunteer on behalf of Albertina Kerr.

Holly Sturdivan and Eric Von Arx represented the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Milagro’s theatre programs drew prospective volunteers.

Elizabeth Stock and Christina Diss were recruiting for Boys & Girls Aid.

Provision Project’s Michelle LaLonde and Rashida Willard were looking for people who’d like to help cancer patients.

Project Lemonade volunteers lend a hand to help foster children.

Bob Speltz and Megan Brown, from The Standard, helped organize the event.

Melissa Gittelman and Sheila Magby manned the booth for the Sunshine Division.

Special Olympics is looking for coaches! Caitlin Martin and Joe Harvey were signing folks up.

Kaleen Boyle and Kat Maloney represented SOLVE.

Lynette Yasuda and Staci Sutton are making SMART readers.

Coco Bender and Robin Powers told visitors about Portland Piano International.

Here’s a list of The Standard’s 2016 Volunteer Expo Portland Exhibitors:

Human Services
Albertina Kerr
American Red Cross
American Red Cross
Boys & Girls Aid
Bradley Angle
Candlelighter’s for Children with Cancer
CASA for Children of Multnomah, Washington, and Columbia Counties
Central City Concern
Children’s Trust Fund of Oregon
Community Action
Community Energy Project
Community Vision, Inc.
Dress for Success Oregon
Easterseals Oregon
FACT Oregon
Hollywood Senior Center
Human Solutions
Human Solutions
Impact NW
L’Arche Portland
L’Arche Portland
Living Yoga
Meals on Wheels People
Metropolitan Family Service
Molly’s Fund Fighting Lupus
Mother & Child Education Center
My Father’s House
Neighborhood House
Northwest Association for Blind Athletes
Northwest Family Services
Portland Homeless Family Solutions
Provision Project
REACH Community Development Inc.
Remodeling for Independence Together, ReFIT
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Rose Haven
Special Olympics Oregon
Store to Door
The Urban League of Portland
TransActive Gender Center
Transition Projects
Trauma intervention program of Portland/Vancouver, inc
Trillium Family Services, Keep Oregon Well
Urban Gleaners
Volunteers of America Oregon
Youth Villages Oregon
Youth, Rights & Justice
YWCA of Greater Portland
Alzheimer’s Association
Bloodworks Northwest
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
DKMS: Delete Blood Cancer
Free to Breathe
Kaiser Permanente Hospice
Legacy Health
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Northwest Kidney Kids
Oregon Food Bank
Oregon Health and Science University
Our House
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network – Portland Affiliate
Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette
Providence Hospice
Quest Center for Integrative Health
The ALS Association Oregon and SW Washington Chapter
The Dougy Center
Environment, Animals
Audubon Society of Portland
Cat Adoption Team
DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital
EarthShare Oregon
Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon
Forest Park Conservancy
Friends of the Columbia Gorge
Friends of Trees
Oregon State Parks Foundation
Portland Parks Foundation
The Oregon Garden
The Pongo Fund
Black United Fund of Oregon
Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area
Chess for Success
College Possible
Donate Life Northwest
Friends of Outdoor School
Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington
Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest
GLSEN Oregon
HEART (Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers)
Marathon Scholars
Minds Matter
Open School
Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center and Rosemary Anderson High School
SMART (Start Making A Reader Today)
The Children’s Book Bank
Young Entrepreneurs Business Week (YEBW)
Public/Society Benefit
Basic Rights Oregon
Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council
Bridge Meadows
CASH Oregon
Friendly House Inc.
Hands On Greater Portland
Harper’s Playground
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Jewish Family & Child Service, & Cedar Sinai Park
Lift Urban Portland
Mascots for a Cure
Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon
Project Lemonade
Q Center
SAGE – Senior Advocates for Generational Equity
Sparks of Hope
Sunshine Division
Arts, Culture & Humanities
Children’s Healing Art Project
Echo Theater Company
Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East
Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group)
My Voice Music
NW Dance Project
Oregon Humanities
Oregon Repertory Singers
Oregon Repertory Singers
Portland Children’s Museum
Portland Opera
Portland Piano International
Portland Playhouse
The Grotto
Work for Art
Write Around Portland
Young Audiences
Elisa Klein

I’ve been a professional journalist and writer since 1987, (and long-time reporter for KOIN-TV.) As a nationally published reporter, with a Master’s Degree in Journalism, I love to report positive news and information. Journalism has also connected me with another non-profit where I served as a leader; the Northwest’s biggest writer’s organization: The Willamette Writers.

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