Portland, OR. Volunteers at the Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division packed 1,600 boxes of food to help needy people celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Over the course of 94 years, this program has allowed thousands upon thousands of families and individuals in the Portland-metro area to have a holiday meal and a sense of stability during difficult times in their lives.
The Sunshine Division shared one story exemplifying how one small act of kindness can illuminate a period of darkness and change the course of someone’s life.
Here is William’s story:
“Last year I received a holiday food box from you guys. I had just gotten off the streets and placed into my new apartment. Life seemed good from anyone looking in from out, but I was very depressed. Not only had I lost my grandmother that summer but I decided to change my life which included the friends I had.
I had no one to spend the holidays with.
I remember my housing specialist from Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare helping me sign up for the food box but I totally forgot about it. I started feeling more depressed and I actually started to want to end my life. Sad but very true. I was telling myself something has to give.
I got a knock on my door, and it was volunteers with my food box… I’ll never forget the feeling.
I had lost everything. No family or friends for the holidays and the Sunshine Division became my family. I may not have been able to enjoy it with you all but just knowing so many people cared. I truly needed the food but more then that I needed to know someone cared.
Thats my story you can edit it or use it, but please try to share it because what you all do, it’s important. You truly bring joy into peoples lives.” – William
There is another opportunity to help. Here’s information about the efforts for Christmas:
With the help of hundreds of volunteers, the Sunshine Division will pack and deliver 3,500 Holiday Food Boxes this December. RSVPs are required to participate in pack nights and delivery day.
2016 Pack Nights:
Monday, December 12, 6p – 8p
Wednesday, December 14, 6p – 8p
2016 Delivery Day:
Saturday, December 17th, 9a – 1pm
Scheduling for holiday volunteerism begins in October. Email mailto:Melissa@sunshinedivision.org to provide support at SE precinct, East precinct, North precinct and Sunshine Division.