Portland, OR. 275 people attended Dress for Success Oregon’s fifth-annual Empowerment Breakfast on October 4th. Panelists who shared their stories included: Louisa Waldman of Robert Half International, Keynote Speaker Stacey Dodson of U.S. Bank, Executive Director of Dress for Success Oregon Shari Dunn, and (back row) client speakers Trenette Allen and LaShanda Williams. Speakers highlighted how Dress for Success Oregon helps low-income women gain employment, independence and self-worth. The event raised over $55,000. Keynote speaker, Stacey Dodson, shared her story about how she overcame hardships to become President of U.S. Bank, Oregon and SW Washington. (Photo credit, Images by Brant)

Volunteer Awards: DFSO Store and Volunteer Manager, Michelle Fitzsimmons; volunteer, Jeannine Kafoury; volunteer, Tomma Bersie; Shari Dunn, Executive Director of DFSO; volunteer, Mary Baker; volunteer, Pat Lassek-West.
DFSO Outreach Coordinator, Phylicia Jackson-Lockett, with DFSO supporter, Mark Kralj. Phylicia Jackson-Lockett received an award for 10 years of service at the event.
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From Dress for Success Oregon:
We thank our Presenting Sponsor, U.S. Bank, for supporting “Powerful Stories of Struggle and Triumph at Dress for Success Oregon’s In Her Shoes: Empowerment Breakfast”
Matching Sponsor: The Greenbrier Companies
Dress for Success Oregon is an anti-poverty nonprofit organization that has been helping low-income women successfully transition back into the workforce since 1999.
Dress for Success Oregon’s mission is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
Dress for Success is an international not-for-profit organization that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
Since starting operations in 1997, Dress for Success has expanded to more than 150 cities in 28 countries and has helped nearly one million women work towards self-sufficiency.
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