Portland, OR. “If you need help, please call.” That’s the message from counselors at the local suicide prevention nonprofit, Lines for life — calling them is free and confidential.
Call 800-273-8255
Text 273TALK to 839863.
When famous individuals like Kate Spade or Anthony Bourdain commit suicide, experts worry that media coverage might prompt others to try to solve a temporary problem with an all too permanent, and tragic, solution. There were, for example, more calls than usual to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, (1-800-273-8255) after the death of Robin Williams.
Lines for Life is a regional nonprofit dedicated to preventing substance abuse and suicide that offers help and hope to individuals and communities, and promotes mental health for all. When a crisis arises or support is needed, counselors are available 24/7/365 to intervene with personalized help. Here’s a video about the service:
“Our highly trained staff and volunteers provide immediate assistance, compassionate support, and resource referrals that can put you on a path to healing.”

Call 800-273-8255
Text 273TALK to 839863
Alcohol and Drug Helpline
Call 800-923-4357
Text RecoveryNow to 839863

The Alcohol and Drug Helpline serves anyone who needs information, support or access to resources and treatment for alcohol or drug use. If you or someone you know needs help, the Alcohol and Drug Helpline is free, confidential, and available 24/7/365!
Call or text us for help understanding or dealing with alcohol and drug use or addiction. When you call us, we listen and support. We provide hope, referrals, resources, and information. Our highly trained staff and volunteers provide immediate assistance, non-judgmental listening, and compassionate support that can put you on a path to healing.
Military Helpline:
Call 888-457-4838
Text MIL1 to 839863
Support for service members, veterans, and their families that is independent of any branch of the military or government.
The Military Helpline operates 24/7/365 and gives free, confidential support to service members, veterans and their families. Answered by veterans and others trained in military culture, our crisis lines offer compassionate, non-judgmental support and, where appropriate, connect people with the referrals, resources, or treatment they need through tough times.
In 2016, Lines for Life received more than 73,000 crisis calls—over 30,000 of which were to our dedicated military crisis lines. We talk with callers about concerns such as PTSD, finances, employment, relationships, and suicidal ideation. We de-escalate 95% of the suicide phone calls we receive to help callers find a way forward without the intervention of emergency services.
Every day, 20 Veterans die by suicide. You can support Veterans, military service members, and their families by donating to Lines for Life today!
Learn more about our military crisis support at militaryhelpline.org!
For Youth
If you are under age 21 and would like to talk with a peer about alcohol and drug use or abuse, contact our YouthLine. YouthLine is a free, confidential, teen-to-teen crisis and help line.
Call 877-968-8491
Text teen2teen to 839863
Chat at www.oregonyouthline.org
A teen-to-teen crisis and help line. Contact us with anything that may be bothering you; no problem is too big or too small! Teens available to help daily from 4-10pm Pacific Time (off-hour calls answered by Lines for Life).
Here are more links and resources: