Portland, OR. The Bull Terriers were out in force at the Rose City Classic Dog Show. It’s one of the largest and most popular dog shows in the United States. More than 185 individual breeds are represented through January 20th. There are exhibitions of agility, obedience, and Dog Tricks. The Best in Show winner was a German Shepard named Tony who was shown by Kent Boyles.

Tony is currently the number one German Shepard in the U.S. He has a big sister named Rumor who won the Westminster Kennel Club Show last year.
You can watch the Rose City Classic Dog Show live or on video on American Kennel Club TV.
An Irish Setter is judged. The shows are hosted by Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon (DFAO), and the Tualatin Kennel Club (TKC) two AKC clubs that have served the greater Portland area for more than 70 and 40 years, respectively.
The members of these not-for-profit clubs donate their time and expertise to put on the Rose City Classic, and afterwards donate profits to causes that promote responsible dog ownership and the health and welfare of dogs.
Here are the details about the show:
The Rose City Classic Dog Show continues through Sunday, January 20th, 2019 at the Expo Center: 2060 North Marine Dr. Portland, OR 97217
General Public Hours
Sunday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Judging begins @ 8 a.m. daily (end times vary daily)
For a judging schedule please click here.
General Admission:
1-day ticket: $10
2-day ticket: $15
Family (up to 5 people):
1-day ticket: $20
2-day ticket: $30