FALL PREVIEW: Portland, OR. United Cerebral Palsy of Oregon & SW Washington (UCP) will honor business leaders committed to employing Oregonians who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities. Supporters are gearing up for a special recognition happy hour for employers who have excelled in diversifying their workplaces in partnership with Employment Solutions. The AbilityAware happy hour will take place on Thursday, October 24th from 4:00 to 6:30 at the Portland Armory: 128 NW 11th Ave.
Click here for a link to tickets!
Here are some photos from last year’s event:
Greg Sutliff, Director at The Street Trust, receives Employer of the Year award at the 2018 UCP Oregon AbilityAware Awards
Here’s a link to tickets:https://www.ucpaorwa.org/abilityawarehappyhour
From UCP Oregon:
UCP Oregon began in 1955 by supporting adults who experienced cerebral palsy. But today we do so much more than that! We assist adults and kids of all ages, who experience all kinds of developmental disabilities.
About Employment Solutions:
About AbilityAware: