Portland, OR. The Rose Parade on Saturday, June 6th will be a virtual parade featuring shoe box-size floats created by community members. Organizers say the event will be a celebration of marching bands, equestrian units, and other Rose Festival parade favorites. It will be a Facebook Live streaming event (here’s a link for the festivities), but viewers do not need a Facebook account to watch.

Participants were invited to use materials from home to build parade floats and submit a photograph or video for a June 6th video streaming presentation.
On May 22nd, the Portland Rose Festival kicked off its 2020 season with a virtual opening night concert and fireworks streamed on Facebook. This year, most Rose Festival events and activities have been suspended, so organizers had to find creative ways to celebrate despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taking inspiration from the holiday tradition of loading the family in the car and touring neighborhood light displays, the Rose Festival has created a spring-time version with a Porch Parade.
Dignitaries formed a procession to tour selected homes that have registered at ParadingInPlace.com.
You can check out the map at this link: View the Map
Residents with rose gardens visible from the street or sidewalks were also encouraged to register.
The Royal Rosarians “Roses for Hope” rose garden celebration included in the Porch Parade map features rose gardens visible from the street. Although viewable all summer, the Rosarians Roses for Hope will conclude with a virtual Rose Garden celebration on June 16, at 6:30 p.m. (via Zoom). #ROSESforHOPE
From The Rose Festival:
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that serves families and individuals with programs and events that promote the arts, education and volunteerism. We value environmental responsibility, diversity, patriotism and our historic & floral heritage.
For more information www.RoseFestival.org
Facebook PortlandRoseFestival/
Twitter: @PDXRoseFestival
Instagram: @PDXRoseFestival