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Portlanders Head Outdoors to Newly Reopened Attractions

Portland, OR. Visitors are flocking to Portland area attractions like the International Rose Test Garden in Washington Park. As of June 25th, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, face masks are required within indoor spaces and many people are still opting for masks in busy parks. Portland Parks & Recreation is reopening spaces as allowed by Oregon Health Authority. Visitors are still required, under the Stay Home, Stay Safe order, to maintain 6 feet of physical distance between others and not assemble in groups larger than 10 people at any park. Concerts in the Park, Movies in the Park, Washington Park Summer Festival, and Portland World Soccer Tournament are canceled this summer. But there are still appealing options.

Rose Garden hours are from 7:30 A.M.-9:00 P.M

Here’s a list of what’s open in Portland parks:

Portland Park ASSET STATUS
Archery range Open
Athletic/sport fields Closed
Basketball courts Closed
Boat launch/docks Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10.
Community centers (including arts centers, pools, and recreation activities) Closed – All PP&R recreation activities are canceled through through September 2020. This date is subject to change. For refund information, please visit
Community gardens Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10. For more information, please visit
Concerts/Movies in the Park Closed – Concerts in the Park, Movies in the Park, Washington Park Summer Festival, and Portland World Soccer Tournament are canceled this summer. For more information, please visit
Disc Golf Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10; do not share discs.
Dog off-leash areas Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10.
Drinking fountains Open
Fitness equipment Closed
Fountains (interactive and decorative) Closed – Interactive fountains and decorative fountains will remain off throughout the summer. Drinking fountains are open.
Free Lunch + Play Open – Portland Parks & Recreation is planning to operate our Free Lunch + Play program this summer. Access to nutritious food has proven to be one of the highest needs in our community during this public health crisis. Please visit
Golf Courses Open – clubhouses are closed, except for restrooms. Food and beverage are limited and available for take-out only. For more information, visit
Parking areas and roads Most parking areas, park roads, and gates are closed to help reduce crowding. See list below for details.
Permits/rentals (indoor facilities) Closed – canceled through September 2020. This date is subject to change. For refund information, please visit
Permits/rentals (outdoor facilities) Permitted picnics and weddings with 25 or fewer people approved when Multnomah County enters Phase I – estimated on June 12, 2020. This date is subject to change.
Pick-up and organized sport games Closed
Picnic sites Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10.
Playgrounds and play areas Closed
Pools Closed – All PP&R recreation activities are canceled through through September 2020. This date is subject to change. For refund information, please visit
Poet’s Beach and River Swimming Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10. Please be aware of water safety and information on posted signage. There are no lifeguards present. More information is available at Entering the water is not allowed at Kelley Point Park.
Public gardens Most are open; however, gardens operated by our partners or third parties may be closed. Please call your destination before visiting.
Restrooms Open – cleaned once per day
Skateparks Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10.
Tennis courts (outdoor) Open – No groups. Singles only. Each player must bring their own marked tennis balls. The Portland Tennis Center remains closed alongside our community centers. Read more at
Trails and natural areas Open – stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10. Some sites have one-way trail markers.
Splash pads Closed – Splash pads and interactive fountains will remain off throughout the summer.
Weddings/ceremonies Weddings with 25 or fewer people approved when Multnomah County enters Phase I – estimated on June 12, 2020. This date is subject to change.

Outdoor tennis courts are open at Willamette Park in SW Portland.

Dog off-leash areas are open, but visitors must stay 6 feet apart; no groups above 10.

Some private nonprofit parks, like the Japanese Garden, require face masks for indoor activities.

Among the new safety adjustments are timed entry admissions, one-way routes through the Garden, and limiting the number of people in spaces.

Multnomah County has provided educational materials to remind park-goers of safety tips.

Portland Parks & Recreation is operating the Free Lunch + Play program this summer, which started on Monday, June 22nd. Access to nutritious food has proven to be one of the highest needs in our community during this public health crisis. PP&R and our partners will play an important role in keeping kids healthy this summer. For more information, please visit

Portland Parks & Recreation has monitored the COVID-19 situation since it began. We continue to be in communication with, and to follow the guidance of, the Oregon Health AuthorityMultnomah County Health Department, and the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management regarding the situation.

  • People who are exhibiting symptoms of any illness should stay home and refrain from using any PP&R facility.
  • Follow CDC guidelines and wash your hands before and after you visit a park, trail, or natural area, or any other public space.
  • Follow CDC physical distancing recommendations and keep 6 feet from others at all times, including interacting with other park visitors and PP&R staff. If you can’t maintain that distance, find another location or come back another time.
  • Be prepared for limited access to public restrooms and no operating water fountains.
  • While on trails, announce your presence to others and step aside to let others pass.

Our community’s parks system provides our neighbors with many opportunities to improve their mental and physical health during this public health emergency. However, please understand that we will need the assistance and compliance of the entire community with these actions. Let’s work together to slow the spread of this virus and save lives. 

For any other City info related to COVID-19, please visit

PP&R suggests that people who feel sick with cold or flu symptoms should stay home and avoid contact with others. If you have health concerns or questions, please contact your regular doctor. Everyone must take steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19, especially to protect those who are more vulnerable. The Oregon Health Authority also recommends the following steps you can take to prevent the spread of flu, the common cold, and COVID-19:

  1. Wash your hands often with soap and water. If not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  4. Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others.
  5. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it away. If you don’t have a tissue, cough into your elbow.
  6. Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that you frequently touch.
  7. If you are traveling overseas, check for the latest COVID-19 Travel Alerts and follow the CDC’s Travelers’ Health guidance: guidance at

Stay informed about the virus
Please check the following resources below for updates about COVID-19 in Oregon and Multnomah County. For additional resources, call 211.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Multnomah County Health Department

Oregon Health Authority

World Health Organization

Discrimination, stigma and COVID-19
Please see important information from Multnomah County on preventing discrimination and stigma related to COVID-19 by following

COVID-19 Information – Cancellations and Refunds

Elisa Klein

I’ve been a professional journalist and writer since 1987, (and long-time reporter for KOIN-TV.) As a nationally published reporter, with a Master’s Degree in Journalism, I love to report positive news and information. Journalism has also connected me with another non-profit where I served as a leader; the Northwest’s biggest writer’s organization: The Willamette Writers.

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