Portland, OR. All Hands Raised Party with a Purpose (#PWAP23), hosted 500+ business, community, and education leaders to help improve all students’ success inside and outside of school. Featuring Latina winner of NBC’s Stand-Up for Diversity Showcase, Gina Brillon, the night featured a heartfelt opportunity to rub elbows with other champions of racial equity. Above are supporters Jordan Elliot (Board member), Chloe Elliot, Tamara Brown (Board member), Dr. Mark Gabriel. The event was held on February 16th at the Moda Center. (Photo credit, Andie Petkus)
Karis Stoudamire-Phillips (AHR Board Chair), Cole Mills (AHR Former Board Chair, Board Member), Poison Waters
About All Hands Raised:
All Hands Raised works on the ground with school community site teams in several key work areas – engaging a team of community members (often including culturally-specific partners, school staff, and industry partners) as equals. These teams use current school-level metrics to identify root causes, test practices and drive change. Together, the team moves toward the heart of the matter, digging into social and emotional challenges and building bridges through critical transition points in students’ educational journeys. Successes and failures are shared with the entire school, across our school districts and throughout the community. The total integration of partners as equals is an essential strategy to ensure equitable changes in policies and systems – this is how we build to large-scale change.