Assistance League of Greater Portland Benefit Raises $68,000

Assistance League of Greater Portland Benefit Raises $68,000

Beaverton, OR. The Assistance League of Greater Portland held a “No Fooling Fundraiser” on March 31st. Assistance League Board Members Janice Cushman and Mary Johnson helped promote the event.

Assistance League Good Fella volunteer Brian Farrell invited donations at the nonprofit’s thrift shop. Many shoppers donated, including one shopper who was moved to give $1,000.

With the cancellation of the nonprofit’s annual in-person benefit for a second year, and reduced hours for Assistance League Thrift and Consignment Shop, volunteers decided they needed to get creative. The  Assistance League sent a series of emails, social media posts, and direct mail to supporters. The event raised over $68,000. Business sponsors included US Bank, Albina Co., Inc., Dustin Funes Real Estate Group, and OnPoint Community Credit Union.

A video starring local celebrity, Poison Waters, (aka Kevin Cook) thanked supporters.

April Fool's Day Video for No Fooling Fundraiser 2021

Assistance League of Greater Portland:

Assistance League of Greater Portland has been transforming lives and strengthening community since 1965. Assistance League volunteers serve the community with local programs, including Operation School Bell®, which provides new clothes for children who are in great need; Assault Survivor Kits®, providing fresh outfits for victims after emergency care; activities for youth in residential treatment; and vocational scholarships. Assistance League Thrift and Consignment Shop is located at Assistance League’s office at 4000 SW 117th Avenue in Beaverton and is currently open on Saturdays from noon to 4:00 p.m. Visit the website for updates on hours open at YouTube channel has both videos –

Assistance League Thrift Shop Raises Funds for Needy School Kids

Assistance League Thrift Shop Raises Funds for Needy School Kids

Portland, OR. The Assistance League of Greater Portland’s thrift and consignment shop reopened for a one-day sale on August 15th. The money raised at the sale is earmarked for the Operation School Bell Program, which clothed 4,196 children last year in the Beaverton, Hillsboro and Portland Public Schools districts. Janice Cushman, Vice President of Marketing/Communications says the Assistance League’s motto is “No child should wear poverty to school.” Cushman said one of the biggest challenges will be finding which kids need vouchers or clothing the most, as students initially will not be in schools. School counselors will be working on identifying the children most in need.

The Assistance League also provides Fred Meyer shopping vouchers for kids in need. 

“My family has experienced homelessness for a long time and last year we finally had a place to call home,” said one parent. “It was a blessing to have my kids chosen for this [Operation School Bell] program. It made them feel special. They told me, ‘Now with my new clothes, I won’t be picked on in school.’ I cried happy tears.”

Every child should have adequate clothing to wear to school.

Assistance League members also coordinate three additional philanthropic programs. ASK (Assault Survivor Kits) distributed 153 kits to 17 local hospitals and facilities to provide victims of rape and assault with clothing and personal items. Thirteen Portland Community College scholarships were granted to students pursuing careers in trades. Funds for tuition, books and materials help students develop skills and expertise to earn a livable wage.  Cordero House, a Janus Youth program, is supported by members to enrich the lives of teen boys as they rebuild their lives with bi-monthly activities.

The Assistance League is always looking for volunteer members which make up its backbone. Members work in Thrift and Consignment helping with selling, inventory, prepping donations and more. There are a variety of committees where member skills are put to use in fundraising, finance, marketing, retail and program implementation, plus the enjoyment of making new friends while make a difference.  Find out more online  or email Follow them on Facebook and Instagram, too. 

The nonprofit’s annual fundraiser, Promenade Portland Fashion Show was canceled due to COVID, but the organization has been busy. Members are meeting on Zoom to finalize program needs and revamp the Thrift and Consignment Shop for a safe shopping experience. It’s located at 4000 SW 117th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97005.

From the Assistance League: Assistance League of Greater Portland has been serving the greater Portland area since 1961. Our local community service programs benefit children and victims of violence. We offer a scholarship for students pursuing a trade school education. We fund these programs by operating Assistance League Thrift and Consignment Shops, through grants, special events, and donations.


Assistance League of Greater Portland’s Fashion Show Raises $143,000

Assistance League of Greater Portland’s Fashion Show Raises $143,000

Portland, OR. Promenade Portland, Assistance League of Greater Portland’s fashion show, put the spotlight on local boutiques to a crowd of 345 guests at the Multnomah Athletic Club on April 9, 2018. Walking the runway were member volunteers from the nonprofit and its Advisory Council. Dressed in a spring floral dress, local entertainer Poison Waters was front and center – the emcee for the event. Another highlight of the event was the presentation of the national Operation School Bell® Award, the recipient being the emcee, Poison Waters. This award is to honor someone in the community who, through significant financial, in-kind or service support, have had a direct, powerful and positive effect on Operation School Bell. 


Operation School Bell Award

Assistance League Member Janice Cushman at the auction table

The event grossed $143,000 for the local chapter of Assistance League and its community service programs. Assistance League of Greater Portland, celebrating their 20th year of clothing children through their flagship philanthropy, Operation School Bell, clothed 4,041 children in Portland, Beaverton and Hillsboro this school year. We have seen a huge growth in our program since the first year, in which we gave jackets to 38 students.

Seven local boutiques provided fashions for the show, including Adorn, Monique’s Boutique, Janelle James Boutique, Paloma Clothing, Garnish, Rachelle M Rustic House of Fashion, and Union Rose. Fashions from Assistance League Thrift Shop were also featured.

Sponsoring the event were O’Donnell Law Firm, LLC, Albina Co., Inc., NW Natural, US Bank, Silver Lining Jewelry, Alaska Airlines, Porsche Beaverton, Audi Beaverton, Fred Meyer, Dustin Funes of the Meadows Group Inc., Realtors, Seams to Fit, and PacTrust. Local merchants also donated generously for the live and silent auctions.

From Assistance League of Greater Portland:

Assistance League of Greater Portland has been improving lives through community-based programs since 1965. Assistance League member volunteers provide five community service programs. The programs serve local families in need by providing new school clothing, enrichment activities for troubled youth, personal history books for foster and abused children, emergency clothing for assault victims and a scholarship program. In addition to grants, sponsorships and donations, funds are raised at Assistance League Thrift and Consignment Shops at 4000 SW 117th Avenue in Beaverton.

We are one of 120 Assistance League chapters across the nation, each one developing philanthropic programs to meet the needs in the local community.