PortlandSocietyPage.com Charity Event, Benefit and Party Giveaways!
Portland, October 9th. Congratulations to the winner of the two tickets, our subscriber, Barb Young. She is the Community Events Manager at Oregon Food Bank, and is thrilled to be going to the Wine and Chocolate extravaganza! Our subscribers are winners all the time! This Wedneday, we’re drawing winners of free tickets to two big events: Wine and Chocolate Extravaganza and Wild Exposure – a Camp-In Benefit for Oregon Wild. Just sign up for our free weekly highlights and you’re entered to win. We never share your information. Click here to sign up!
Here’s more info: The Extravaganza features wine and chocolate tasting from some of Oregon’s best wineries and chocolatiers. The charity benefit is October 13th at 5:30 p.m. at the Oregon Convention Center. The live auction and dinner features exciting trips, wine and a chance to attend a private, catered dinner with Wild author Cheryl Strayed. And there’s Mercedes, the Labradoodle puppy, too! Tickets cost $175, but a lucky winner will receive two from PortlandSocietyPage.com – Thank you Knowledge Universe Wine and Chocolate Extravaganza is a A Benefit for Youth, Rights & Justice!
Youth, Rights & Justice improves the lives of vulnerable children and families in Oregon through legal representation and advocacy in the courts, legislature, schools and community. www.youthrightsjustice.org
The 2011 Extravaganza raised $80,000 for YRJ programs.
Or you don’t have to wait to win, just buy a ticket! https://jrplaw.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/2012Gala/tabid/390907/Default.aspx
Here are the details for Wild Exposure – a Camp-In Benefit for Oregon Wild: it’s Friday, October 12th from 7-10 pm. Wild Exposure is a Camp-In Benefit for Oregon Wild. There will be food and drink from local restaurants, bonfires, photo contest unveiling, and a silent auction filled with trips and outdoor gear. Tickets are a $30 value! If you don’t win our drawing, you can still purchase them here: http://www.oregonwild.org/about/hikes_events/wildexposure

Oregon Wild Special Event