clare Hamill

CCA’s 14th Annual Hero Gala a Wonderball Raising Over a MillionCCA’s 14th Annual Hero Gala a Wonderball Raising Over a Million

CCA’s 14th Annual Hero Gala a Wonderball Raising Over a Million

Portland, September 27th, 2014. CCA’s 14th Annual Hero Gala was dubbed an evening of romp & circumstance,. The event rocked…

10 years ago
Children’s Cancer Association 13th Annual (Super) Hero Gala Hits Million MarkChildren’s Cancer Association 13th Annual (Super) Hero Gala Hits Million Mark

Children’s Cancer Association 13th Annual (Super) Hero Gala Hits Million Mark

Portland, Sept. 21, 2013. A superhero themed gala had super-sized results as organizers proclaimed, "CCA’s League of Extraordinary Friends unleash…

11 years ago
Children’s Cancer Association’s Hero Gala Draws Over 500 SupportersChildren’s Cancer Association’s Hero Gala Draws Over 500 Supporters

Children’s Cancer Association’s Hero Gala Draws Over 500 Supporters

Portland, September 22nd. The Children's Cancer Association's Hero Gala was neon-bright at the Portland Art Museum. Founder, Regina Ellis, (pictured…

12 years ago