Concordia University

5th Annual Governor Victor Atiyeh Leadership in Education Awards5th Annual Governor Victor Atiyeh Leadership in Education Awards

5th Annual Governor Victor Atiyeh Leadership in Education Awards

Portland, February 2nd, 2016. Concordia University hosted the 5th Annual Governor Victor Atiyeh Leadership in Education Awards and Carl Talton…

9 years ago
Three Oregon Governors Celebrate Education at Sold-Out Concordia University EventThree Oregon Governors Celebrate Education at Sold-Out Concordia University Event

Three Oregon Governors Celebrate Education at Sold-Out Concordia University Event

Portland,  February 5th, 2013.  Oregon Governors Atiyeh, Kulongoski and Kitzhaber  were among the 600 Concordia University supporters at a gala…

12 years ago
Local College Students Unite for 4th Annual MLK Day of ServiceLocal College Students Unite for 4th Annual MLK Day of Service

Local College Students Unite for 4th Annual MLK Day of Service

Portland, January 21st, 2013.  Hats off to Oregon Campus Compact for bringing together 1,000 students from nine local colleges on…

12 years ago