Portland Rose Festival Presents $10,478 to The Dougy Center
Portland, November 13th. Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon joined with the Portland Rose Festival to present a donation of $10,478 to The Dougy Center from the proceeds of the 2012 Regence Grand Floral Walk. Nearly 2,000 walkers took the 4.2 mile challenge in the early morning of Saturday, June 9, to help Regence and the Rose Festival raise the total contribution to more than $50,000 in five years of Portland’s Premier Fitness Parade.
Newly elected Portland Rose Festival Foundation President Todd Johnston was joined on stage by Festival CEO Jeff Curtis and Grand Floral Walk Chair Liza McQuade to present the donation to Donna Schuurman (Executive Director) Peggy Maguire (Vice Chair of Board) and Diane Kinkade (Chair of Board) accepting the check on behalf of The Dougy Center.
This donation is an example of one of the many ways the Portland Rose Festival Foundation gives back to the community, making Portland a better place to live and visit.
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation is a non-profit that serves families and individuals with programs and events that promote the arts, education and volunteerism. We value environmental responsibility, diversity, patriotism and our historic & floral heritage. For the latest on Rose Festival news and events go to www.RoseFestival.org.
Information submitted by Rich Jarvis