
United Way of the Columbia-Willamette Raises Over $600k for COVID-19 Relief EffortUnited Way of the Columbia-Willamette Raises Over $600k for COVID-19 Relief Effort

United Way of the Columbia-Willamette Raises Over $600k for COVID-19 Relief Effort

Portland, OR. United Way of the Columbia-Willamette worked ahead of the curve to raise over $600,000 in response to the…

5 years ago
Oregon Historical Society Gearing up for Reopening and Rose City Soccer ExhibitOregon Historical Society Gearing up for Reopening and Rose City Soccer Exhibit

Oregon Historical Society Gearing up for Reopening and Rose City Soccer Exhibit

Portland, OR. "We are the Rose City! A History of Soccer in Portland." That's the focus of a new exhibit…

5 years ago