Congregation Beth Israel Better Than Broadway Benefit Hits All the Right Notes
Portland, October 19th, 2013. Over 200 guests were treated to an intimate theatre event at the Better Than Broadway fundraiser for Congregation Beth Israel. It’s Oregon’s oldest and largest Reform synagogue. Event committee members Cynthia Hofmann and Shelly Levy ring bells during the Mitzvah Moment paddle raise to signal another donation made. Together with sponsorships and many generous patron gifts the event netted nearly $140,000 to support ongoing services and programming at Congregation Beth Israel. (photo credit, Octavia Hunter & Sydney Baer)

Lorraine and Rabbi Emanuel Rose relax in front of the fun photo booth wall that greeted Patrons at the pre-function cocktail hour.
The cabaret-style show, which was held at Pure Space in the Pearl, starred Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and featured guest performers from the community and beyond. Cantor Mark Saltzman from Congregation Kol Ami in West Hollywood, CA, not only collaborated with Cantor Cahana on the concert content but also directed and performed alongside her. Rounding out the vocal talent were local entertainer Michele Mariana and Beth Israel students Max Friedenwald-Fishman, Iris Cohn and Sarah Barr. Michael Allen Harrison made a special appearance on piano during the Patron cocktail hour and again to underscore the Mitzvah Moment, led by Board member Eric Friedenwald-Fishman.
Cantor Mark Saltzman from Congregation Kol Ami in West
Hollywood, CA, not only collaborated with Cantor Cahana on the concert
content but also directed and performed in the cabaret-style show,
which was held at Pure Space in the Pearl. Here they share a moment
during a Sondheim favorite, The Little Things You Do Together.
Special guest performer Harold Pollin joined Cantor Ida Rae Cahana to sing Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof. Immediately following the touching duet the entire audience stood together to join
in a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday to Harold.
Guest performers Michael Allen Harrison and Michele Mariana join Cantor Ida Cahana during the curtain call, while event co-chairs Ted Nelson and Tiffany Goldwyn offer a special round of applause.
Co-chairs Ted Nelson and Tiffany Goldwyn led an enthusiastic committee that worked tirelessly to plan a fun and unique experience, beginning with a pre-function Patron party, a creative photo booth opportunity and the ringing of bells during the Mitzvah Moment paddle raise to denote a new pledge.
To see more photos visit the Beth Israel website: www.bethisrael-pdx.org.