Friends of Trees

Pandemic Causes Friends of Trees to Pivot

Portland, OR. Friends of Trees is an Oregon-based organization that plants trees around the Portland-metro area, Salem, and other parts of…

4 years ago

Friends of Trees Plants Hope for Community

Portland, OR. Despite shelter-in-place, Friends of Trees (FOT) managed to finish its planting season in neighborhoods and urban green spaces in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Staffers…

5 years ago

Can You Volunteer for a Nonprofit? We’re Bringing The Standard’s 2015 Volunteer Expo to You!

Portland, September 10th, 2015. If you couldn't join the thousands who flocked to Pioneer Courthouse Square for The Standard's Annual…

10 years ago

Comcast Cares Day Efforts Helped Communities from Longview, WA to Springfield, OR

Portland, April, 25th, 2015.  More than 2,000 local Comcast NBC Universal employees and their families, friends and community partnered across…

10 years ago

The Sabin Art Program and Friends of Trees Benefit from DTI Celebration

Portland, January 16th, 2014. Local business DTI Portland threw an artful benefit to celebrate its new 20,000-foot office space in the historic Pittock…

11 years ago

Celebrating a Beautiful Green Path for All People in Lents

Portland, July 24th, 2013. Supporters kicked up their heels at the completion of a four-year project to plant 5,000 trees along the I-205…

12 years ago

Local Conservation Coalition “Intertwine Alliance” Celebrates 2nd Anniversary by Adding 100th Partner

Portland, July 16th, 2013. Formally launched with two dozen partners in 2011, The Intertwine Alliance (The Alliance) a new model…

12 years ago

Rep. Blumenauer Praises Portland’s Green Initiatives & Friends of Trees at Neighborhood Planting

Portland, March 23rd, 2013,. U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer inspired more than 100 volunteers set to plant 200 trees in Portland's Vernon…

12 years ago

Friends of Trees Helps Find The Best Tree for Your Home

Portland, November 29th. Did you know that Friends of Trees has a program to help you plant trees? If you…

12 years ago

Portland Timbers Stand Together Week Includes 40 Nonprofit Projects and 1,000 Volunteers

Portland, October 8th. The Timbers’ "Stand Together Week " is drawing more people into nonprofit work. Organized with the help…

12 years ago