36th Trillium Festival Draws Nature Lovers to Tryon Creek State Park
Portland, April 3rd, 2016. The annual Trillium Festival, organized by The Friends of Tryon Creek State park, drew a big crowd. This year, visitors learned more about restoring native wildlife habitat in their own back yard. A special program provides assistance and incentives to residents with lots, an acre or smaller, who seek to restore the native wildlife habitat. The program has operated successfully in Portland for a number of years and now the Friends of Tryon Creek, together with the City of Lake Oswego, are providing the same opportunity to Lake Oswego residents.

Located about 15 minutes from downtown Portland, Tryon Creek State Park, is Oregon’s only state park within a major metropolitan area.

Trillium plants were sold at the event; they have a solitary three-petaled flower above a whorl of three leaves. Trilliums are native to North American and Asia.
The Lake Oswego Backyard Habitat Program is sponsored by the City of Lake Oswego and facilitated by the Friends of Tryon Creek, in collaboration with the Audubon Society of Portland and Columbia Land Trust.
If you have any questions about the Backyard Habitat Program, email at backyardhabitat@tryonfriends.org.
From Tryon Creek State Park:
Land for the park was acquired between 1971 and 1988 by gifts from Multnomah County, Friends of Tryon Creek, Annette T. Kraft and John and Julie Des Camp, as well as by purchase from private owners. The park was obtained to provide a natural area typical of the Willamette Valley ecosystem within the Portland metropolitan area, which would be available for public study and education. Tryon Creek is named for Dr. Socrates Hotchkiss Tryon, an Oregon settler of 1850, who settled a claim near Oswego on which the park land is located.
Acreage: 658.76, Annual day-use attendance: 535,196.