Bradley Angle Purple Purse Lunch Supports Domestic Violence Survivors
Portland, OR. Economics are the #1 reason people stay in an abusive relationship—but economic empowerment is within reach. The Bradley Angle Purple Purse Lunch on October 25th raised $90,000 to support domestic violence survivors. Supporters like Rabbi Rachel Joseph, Majority Leader Jennifer Williamson and Edie Rogoway, used their purses to strengthen the community. Bradley Angle’s mission is to serve all people affected by domestic violence. The nonprofit offers safety, education, empowerment, healing, and hope. It serve those affected by domestic violence with the knowledge that it’s possible for survivors to regain control of their lives.
Amber Shoebridge and Melinda Velize of Legacy Health Systems with Yesenia Gallardo of Poda Foods and Melinda Velize of Legacy Health Systems
From Bradley Angle:
Bradley Angle embraces the following values in all that we do:
- We believe that everyone has a right to live free from violence and abuse.
- We value the dignity and personal story of everyone who comes to us for support.
- We believe that survivors of domestic violence should be treated respectfully and have control over their own lives.
- Our services are inclusive and accessible to survivors of diverse cultures, backgrounds, experiences, and lifestyles.
- Our services build on the strength and resilience of survivors.
- We work collaboratively whenever and wherever possible.
- We involve the community in our work because we know that domestic violence doesn’t just impact individuals and families—it affects every one of us.
- We acknowledge current and historical inequities and work towards ending oppression.
Bradley Angle is constantly learning and evolving as we strive to end to domestic violence.