Guide Dogs for the Blind Hosts Pinot & Pups in Portland
Portland, OR. Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) raised nearly $300,000 at Pinot & Pups, a special benefit at the Portland Art Museum. More than 350 GDB supporters and guide dog users gathered for the fundraiser on May 12th. Haley Pritchard smiled for a photo with a guide dog in training at the party. Guide Dogs for the Blind pairs dogs with people experiencing visual impairments and blindness; it provides services free of charge and receives no government funding.
Sue Dishart, Jeri and Darrell Livingston enjoy the wine reception and silent auction that kicked off Pinot and Pups.
Ron Richards and Kathy Leathers celebrate a winning bid. They won the infamous wine and chocolate package!
The event featured local fine wine and beer tastings, people (and dogs) dressed to the nines, a silent auction, a live auction and inspiring stories on the real impact a guide dog has from active guide dog users.
Featuring one story from an active guide dog user and her adult son, who became a trainer for GDB after seeing how much of a positive impact the organization had on his mother’s life.
All proceeds from the event benefited Guide Dogs for the Blind.