neighborhood house

Focus on Youth Sees Blossoming SupportFocus on Youth Sees Blossoming Support

Focus on Youth Sees Blossoming Support

Portland, OR. Focus on Youth is a nonprofit combining sustainable gardening and photography with hands-on learning. Homeless and at-risk youth…

4 years ago
Neighborhood House Holds Gala Fête Locale: Ready, Set, Grow!Neighborhood House Holds Gala Fête Locale: Ready, Set, Grow!

Neighborhood House Holds Gala Fête Locale: Ready, Set, Grow!

Portland, OR. Neighborhood House’s annual Fête Locale drew nearly 300 supporters to the Multnomah Athletic Center on May 5th. After a…

7 years ago
Neighborhood House Celebrates Achievements at New Children’s Center Site for Low Income FamiliesNeighborhood House Celebrates Achievements at New Children’s Center Site for Low Income Families

Neighborhood House Celebrates Achievements at New Children’s Center Site for Low Income Families

Portland, September 20th, 2013.  Neighborhood House held its 7th annual Leadership Circle Dinner to honor top supporters including Pamela Kambur…

11 years ago
Neighborhood House Fête Locale Raises $125,000 to Help Low-income Community MembersNeighborhood House Fête Locale Raises $125,000 to Help Low-income Community Members

Neighborhood House Fête Locale Raises $125,000 to Help Low-income Community Members

Portland, May 4, 2013. Neighborhood House’s annual dinner-auction attracted nearly 330 supporters to the Multnomah Athletic Club, raising $125,000 to support…

12 years ago