Legacy Emanuel Celebrates 100th Anniversary
Portland, October 6th. Legacy Emanuel Medical Center’s 100th Anniversary Celebration included remarks from former ER Doc. Oregon Governor, John Kitzhaber. Guests had a chance to tour emergency vehicles including the Life Flight helicopter, AMR and Metro West ambulances, as well as Portland Fire & Rescue fire engine. (Photo credit, Dodge & Burn Studios)

Hundreds turned out for the celebration
Hands-on demonstrations included the virtual reality pain management system used in the Legacy Oregon Burn Center, and the da Vinci surgical robotic system used in the operating room.
Supporters were also encouraged to visit the Oregon Historical Society to see a new exhibit featuring items from the hospital’s past.

Take a trip back to when surgery cost $15 and nurses canned fruit for hospital meals. “100 Years at Legacy Emanuel” at the Oregon Historical Society examines the stories of those who were born, saved and trained at Emanuel.

The first nursing graduates pose. Legacy Emanuel has been central to the health and growth of the greater Portland area for 100 years — since its 1912 opening in a converted three-story house.
About Legacy Emanuel:
Founded by the Rev. Carl Renhard as a way to help the emerging community, Legacy Emanuel has developed into a pioneering medical center in the region for critical and advanced care. The Oregon Historical Society exhibit features a collection of photos, stories and artifacts that illustrate the history of medicine in Oregon.
Currently, Legacy Emanuel Medical Center occupies a vital role in the metropolitan area and in the region as a medical center with around-the-clock expertise for critical health conditions. With leading care for trauma, burn and intensive care, as well as serving as the initial hub for Life Flight and other critical care transport, Legacy Emanuel is central to serious care. Legacy Emanuel is a medical pacesetter, with specialists in virtually every health care.