Portland, December 26th. It’s time to focus on year-end charitable donations! On the right-hand side of our PortlandSocietyPage.com website there are links to many worthy local charities. Please explore! The website, Charity Navigator is a research tool for donors and evaluates how charities use money. The organization also offers these tips for smart giving:
Be Proactive In Your Giving
Smart givers generally don’t give reactively in a knee-jerk fashion. They don’t respond to the first organization that appeals for help. They take the time to identify which causes are most important to their families and they are specific about the change they want to affect. For example, they don’t just support generic cancer charities, but instead have targeted goals for their giving, such as providing mammograms to at-risk women in their community.
Hang Up The Phone / Eliminate The Middleman
Informed donors recognize that for-profit fundraisers, those often used in charitable telemarketing campaigns, keep a large portion (in some cases all) of each dollar they collect (read our report about telemarketing for more specifics on the costs affiliated with this form of fundraising). Wise donors never give out their personal information – like credit card accounts, social security numbers – over the phone. If they like what they hear in the pitch, they’ll hang up, investigate the charity on-line and send their contribution directly to the charity, thereby cutting out the middleman and ensuring 100% of their donation reaches the charity. Taking it a step further, donors may want to reconsider supporting a charity that uses an inefficient telemarketing approach and instead identify a charity that does not use telemarketing to raise funds.
Be Careful Of Sound-Alike Names
Uninformed donors are easily confused by charities that have strikingly similar names to others. How many of us could tell the difference between an appeal from the Children’s Charity Fund and the Children’s Defense Fund? Their names sound the same, but their performances are vastly different. Would you be surprised to learn that the Children’s Charity Fund is a 0-star charity while the Children’s Defense Fund is a 3-star charity? Informed donors take the time to uncover the difference.
Confirm 501(c) (3) Status
Wise donors don’t drop money into canisters at the checkout counter or hand over cash to solicitors outside the supermarket. Situations like these are irresistible to scam artists who wish to take advantage of your goodwill. Smart givers only support groups granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All of the charities evaluated by Charity Navigator meet this basic requirement.
Check The Charity’s Commitment To Accountability & Transparency
In 2011, Charity Navigator added an Accountability & Transparency dimension to its rating system. It tracks metrics such as whether the charity used an objective process to determine their CEO’s salary, whether it has an effective governance structure, and whether it has a whistleblower policy. This data is critical because charities that follow good governance and transparency practices are less likely to engage in unethical or irresponsible activities. So, the risk that such charities would misuse donations is lower than for charities that don’t adopt such practices.
Obtain Copies Of Its Financial Records
Savvy donors know that the financial health of a charity is a strong indicator of the charity’s programmatic performance. They know that in most cause areas, the most efficient charities spend 75% or more of their budget on their programs and services and less than 25% on fundraising and administrative fees. However, they also understand that mid-to-large sized charities do require a strong infrastructure therefore a claim of zero fundraising and/or administrative fees is unlikely at best. They understand that a charity’s ability to sustain its programs over time is just as important as its short-term day-to-day spending practices. Therefore, savvy donors also seek out charities that are able to grow their revenue at least at the rate of inflation, that continue to invest in their programs and that have some money saved for a rainy day. All of this analysis is provided on Charity Navigator’s website for free, but when considering groups not found here, savvy donors ask the charity for copies of its three most recent Forms 990. Not only can the donor examine the charity’s finances, but the charity’s willingness to send the documents is a good way to assess its commitment to transparency.
Review Executive Compensation
Sophisticated donors realize that charities need to pay their top leaders a competitive salary in order to attract and retain the kind of talent needed to run a multi-million dollar organization and produce results. But they also don’t just take the CEO’s compensation at face value; they benchmark it against similar-sized organizations engaged in similar work and located in the same region of the country. To help you make your own decision, Charity Navigator’s analysis reveals that the average CEO’s compensation of the charities we evaluate is almost $150,000. In general, salaries tend to be higher in the northeast and at arts and education charities. Sophisticated donors also put the CEO’s salary into context by examining the overall performance of the organization. They know it is better to contribute to a charity with a well-paid CEO that is meeting its goals than to support a charity with an underpaid CEO that fails to deliver on its promises. (Check out our CEO Compensation Study for more benchmarking data.)
Start A Dialogue To Investigate Its Programmatic Results
Although it takes some effort on their part to assess a charity’s programmatic impact, donors who are committed to advancing real change believe that it is worth their time. Before they make a contribution, they talk with the charity to learn about its accomplishments, goals and challenges. These donors are prepared to walk away from any charity that is unable or unwilling to participate in this type of conversation.
Concentrate Your Giving
When it comes to financial investments, diversification is the key to reducing risk. The opposite is true for philanthropic investments. If you’ve really taken the time to identify a well-run charity that is engaged in a cause that you are passionate about, you should then feel confident in giving it a donation. Spreading your money among multiple organizations not only results in your mail box filling up with more appeals, it also diminishes the possibility of any of those groups bringing about substantive change as each charity is wasting a percentage of your gift on processing expenses for that gift.
Share Your Intentions And Make A Long-Term Commitment
Smart donors support their favorite charities for the long haul. They see themselves as a partner in the charity’s efforts to bring about change. They know that only with long-term, committed supporters can a charity be successful. And they don’t hesitate to tell the charity of their giving plans so that the organization knows it can rely on the donor and the charity doesn’t have to waste resources and harass the donor by sending numerous solicitations.
Portland, December 20st. The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) announced that $732,440 will be awarded for artistic projects scheduled to take place in 2013 – including 66 grants to organizations and schools, and 94 individual artists in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties. This is the largest sum that RACC has ever awarded for project grants.
Keller Auditorium Mural – Una Kim and Students from Portland State University 222 SW Clay; RACC Funding: $3200; 18’H x 108’L
RACC’s funding of project grants is up 5% over last year, thanks to solid public investments from the City of Portland, Clackamas County, Multnomah County, Washington County, and Metro; and continued growth of Work for Art, RACC’s workplace giving program. Demand is up even more: RACC received 352 eligible applications this cycle – up 12% over last year.
Seventy volunteers serving on 18 different panels evaluated the proposals based on artistic merit, audience development and financial accountability. In the end, 160 (45%) of the proposals were recommended for funding and ultimately approved by the RACC Board on December 19th.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Clackamas County received a first-time RACC grant for Stand Up for Mental Health and will present comedy classes to individuals living with chronic mental health issues.
The Hillsboro Farmers’ Market in Washington County will present a series of summer cultural festivals in celebration of the diversity of the Hillsboro community featuring performances and crafts highlighting the Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and Indian communities.
Other culturally-specific artistic projects include performances of Lyndee Mah’s memoir piece E-B’an, Damaris Webb’s solo show The Box Marked Black, and Boom Arts’ puppet musical Tunde’s Trumpet. RACC also continues to fund diverse organizations like India Cultural Association, RASIKA, The Obo Addy Legacy Project, Painted Sky, and Portland Queer Documentary Film Festival.
The number of applications to RACC’s Media Arts category continues to grow every year, and Grand Detour received its first RACC award to produce the 2nd annual Experimental Film Fest at venues throughout the city. Other projects funded in this category include Sway of the Knife by Vu N. Pham and Cooped, a hand-drawn animated short film by Mike A. Smith.
RACC also funded a number of multi-discipline projects that included strong media or technology elements, including Water in the Desert’s interdisciplinary performance AMERICAN ME, and Bill Holznagel’s Daisy Shorts using film and puppetry. Kelly Rauer’s Underbelly and Jacob Pander’s Incident Energy are both multi-channel video installations, and Ben Darwish’s Adobe Globe is a long-form musical composition incorporating multimedia elements.
For the first time, RACC convened a visual arts panel focused solely on photography projects, which resulted in several first time project grant recipients including Teresa Christiansen, Anna Daedalus, Loren Nelson and TJ Norris.
RACC-funded projects will continue to engage youth in many ways, ranging from Staged! Portland’s Musical Theatre Series’ professional premiere of “Ablaze: an a cappella musical thriller” written by local playwright and composer Matthew Zrebski, to the Girls Rock Institute at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp for Girls, and the Kukatonon Children’s African Dance Troupe program.
In addition, an anonymous donor continues to provide special funding for an annual “Innovation Prize” of $2,500. This year’s award for outstanding, innovative, media-oriented project goes to Orlund Nutt for a short movie based on the James Broughton poem, ‘Bear of Heaven’.
“We were amazed and inspired by the proposals we received this year,” said Eloise Damrosch, executive director of RACC. “It is especially gratifying to see that our outreach to artists and arts organizations is resulting in a significant increase in new applications. These grant awards will bring exciting variety to the region’s artistic offerings next year.”
A complete listing of grants appears below, and summaries of each grant are available at www.racc.org/2013projectgrants.
Note: (*) denotes Clackamas County applicants, and (**) denotes Washington County based applicants. All other applicants are based in Multnomah County.
Architecture Foundation of Oregon
$ 6,000
Beaverton Civic Theatre **
Community Participation
$ 3,620
Boom Arts
$ 6,000
Community Participation
$ 5,800
Buckman Arts Focus Elementary
$ 4,800
Classical Revolution PDX
$ 2,460
Compass Repertory Theatre
Community Participation
$ 5,024
Conduit Dance, Inc.
$ 6,000
Dill Pickle Club
Community Participation
$ 5,691
Dill Pickle Club
$ 3,720
Estacada Arts Commission *
Community Participation
$ 5,058
Experimental Half-Hour
Media Arts
$ 4,800
$ 5,400
Friends of Marquam Nature Park
Community Participation
$ 4,800
Grand Detour
Media Arts
$ 3,731
Hand2Mouth Theatre
$ 5,700
Hillsboro Farmers’ Markets, INC. **
Community Participation
$ 4,800
Impact NW
$ 5,998
India Cultural Association **
Community Participation
$ 3,655
Irvington School PTA
$ 3,542
$ 5,700
Lewis & Clark College Hoffman Gallery
Visual Arts
$ 5,100
Living Stages
Community Participation
$ 4,720
Media, Arts & Technology Institute
$ 4,304
MetroArts Inc
$ 4,316
Museum of Contemporary Craft
Folk Arts
$ 6,000
Music Access Project of Portland
$ 4,800
My Voice Music
Community Participation
$ 5,307
National Alliance on Mental Illness of Clackamas County *
Portland, November 9th. The 4th Annual Sip, Serve & Celebrate raised $116,000 for the Portland After-School Tennis & Education which helps at-risk students achieve academic and athletic success. Matt Felton got a big thank you hug from a scholar athlete in the ‘Felton Factor’ program while Executive Director Danice Brown looked on. Matt and his wife Jasmine generously funded the $23k annual costs of the program. (Photo credit, Team Photogenic)
PAST&E Scholar Athletes anxiously wait to make their debut and performance for the guests and patrons.
Organizers say, “This year past board member Matt Felton was honored for all his work and contributions to the program by the creation of ‘The Felton Factor’ which focuses on strengthening participants’ fundamental tennis skills, preparing them for competitive play, and encouraging sportsmanship. The program also strives to improve competitiveness against private-club players who generally have greater resources and training opportunities.
Shawn Menashe raises his auction number to support the PAST&E fund-a-need.
PAST&E Volunteer Wendy Nakatani and Board Member Judy Ma congratulate Kana Wakamatsu for placing the winning bid for the US Open Tennis package. Kana and her husband Jason will get to experience US Open 2013 from the Nike box!
Matt and Jasmine Felton arrive to enjoy the festivities of Sip, Serve & Celebrate!
The event was held at Castaway Portland and emcees were Kelley Day and Mike Chase.
About Portland After School Tennis & Education:
“Our program is located in the heart of one of the most socio-economically challenged areas of Portland and is changing the lives of these wonderful students,” says Danice Brown, Executive Director of PAST&E. “Portland After-School Tennis & Education operates almost entirely on the generosity of our volunteers and individual donors and the money raised from this event is paramount in being able to keep our program going.”
Portland After School Tennis & Education (PAST&E) is a nonprofit whose mission is to create partnerships with families, schools, and volunteers to help at-risk K-12 students achieve academic and athletic success. We accomplish this through one-on-one academic tutoring, tennis lessons, a nutrition/fitness curriculum, parent education, and a “Best in Class” development program serving junior players who excel at tennis. Located at North Portland’s St. Johns Racquet Center, PAST&E impacts the lives of more than 1,000 at-risk children and families every year. For more information, visit www.pastande.org.
Portland, December 6th, 2012. Artists Repertory Theatre announced that Dámaso Rodriguez has been selected as the next Artistic Director beginning in January 2013. Rodriguez takes the artistic reins of the 30-year-old Artists Rep from retiring Artistic Director Allen Nause, who has led the company for the past 25 years. Well known in Los Angeles for his daring, thrilling and visceral work as a multiple award-winning director, Rodriguez will direct the West Coast Premiere of Ten Chimneys, by Jeffery Hatcher, as his Artists Rep directorial debut in April.
Dámaso Rodriguez, photo credit Shawn Lee (2012)
To join Artists Rep in Portland, Rodriguez is leaving his position as Co-Artistic Director of Los Angeles’ Furious Theatre Company, known for its edgy, tightly-wound plays with a visceral aesthetic that he co-founded with an ensemble in 2001. From 2007-2010, Rodriguez served as Associate Artistic Director for Pasadena Playhouse when Artistic Director Sheldon Epps brought Rodriguez on as his protégé after working with him in his Artistic Director capacity with Furious, which began a residency at the Playhouse’s second stage in 2004.
Rodriguez was recently recognized as one of three finalists for the 2012 Stage Directors & Choreographers Society’s “Zelda Fichandler Award,” which is given each year to an “outstanding director who is transforming the regional arts landscape through theatre.” Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s Artistic Director, Bill Rauch, won this year’s award.
The artistic leadership will transition over the next six months. Nause and Rodriguez will work together to select Artists Rep’s 2013/14 season and that time overlap will allow for both artistic and staff acclimation to the changeover.
Dámaso Rodriguez, incoming Artists Repertory Theatre Artistic Director offers this statement: “Artists Rep has been built from the humblest of beginnings into one of America’s great theatre companies by an exceptional group of artists, supporters and adventurous audiences. I am honored to follow Allen Nause in leading this extraordinary organization, and to partner with Managing Director Sarah Horton in building upon Allen’s inspiring legacy and Artists Rep’s boundless promise. I believe the company’s exquisite facilities with their intimate, yet expansive, performance spaces are among the most exciting in the world for the kind of visceral, immediate, heart-pounding and audience-moving theatre experiences on which Artists Rep has built its reputation – and those are the kinds of bold new plays I intend to keep producing. It is my intention to continue Artists Rep’s commitment to daring and challenging new work and to build the company’s reputation as a generator of provocative new plays and musicals. I endeavor to create a home for the region’s most talented writers and build an environment and process for nurturing new work that inspires writers from around the world to premiere their work in Portland. Additionally, I intend to expand over the months and years ahead Artists Rep’s Resident Acting Company into a larger Ensemble of Artists that will include writers, directors and designers, as well as actors. I hold a sincere, passionate belief in collaboration and that the ensemble model is the best way to form a community of artists, production staff and administrators. I am grateful to the Board for this opportunity and look forward to becoming a part of Portland’s world-class arts landscape and settling with my wife, Sara Hennessy, and our two children into this beautiful city and exceptional community.”
Artists Rep Artistic Director Allen Nause, who is retiring after leading the regional theatre company for past 25 years, says, “I am thrilled that Dámaso Rodriguez will be the next Artistic Director at Artists Repertory Theatre! I am absolutely convinced that he is the ideal person to lead our theater into the future. Dámaso has an artistic aesthetic that resonates beautifully with Artists Rep’s mission. His leadership experience combined with his collaborative nature will allow him to craft, inspire and guide Artists Rep for years to come.”
Pasadena Playhouse Artistic Director Sheldon Epps, in an interview with Los Angeles Times writer Charlotte Stroudt (published January 13, 2008) when Rodriguez was named Associate Artistic Director at Pasadena Playhouse, said, “You only learn this kind of work through on-the-job training. I had a similar opportunity at the Old Globe under Jack O’Brien when he hired me as Associate Artistic Director. I wanted to offer Dámaso the same chance, wherever he ends up.” Epps also said, “I’ve been very impressed with the quality of Dámaso’s work,” he says. “I appreciate his predilection for material that’s different than my own. His aesthetic is slightly off-kilter. But he always works with honesty and deep emotion. And he has a consistent ability to make actors soar.”
Sarah Horton, Artists Rep’s Managing Director, says, “I think Dámaso will help us answer the question that any organization faces when a founding vision leader leaves: How do we evolve and assert our continued relevance without straying from the heart of what’s always made us special?” Horton continues, “His respect for ensemble-driven work and his adventurous aesthetic are classic Artists Rep values. Those qualities are teamed with a drive and curiosity that extend beyond the stage and into the place where the theater lives. I’m very much looking forward to partnering with him.”
Kris Olson, Board Chair and Chair of the Artistic Director Search Team, speaking for Artists Rep’s Board of Directors, says: “We have been at this process since August of 2011, crafting the job profile, casting the net, winnowing the superb candidates to the best of the best, and bringing the top three (of over 100) to Portland for rounds of interviews and receptions with community members. Dámaso will be an outstanding addition to Portland’s artistic community and beyond. He brings the vision, energy and collaborative spirit to Artists Rep’s helm that our audiences have come to expect. I’m sure that in the years ahead, he will attract new audience members with his innovative theatrical sensitivity. We will all be proud to have played a part in bringing this extraordinary talent to our city.”
Dámaso Rodriguez Biography
Rodriguez is an award-winning director living in Los Angeles. He is a Co-Founder of Furious Theatre Company, an ensemble-driven theatre committed to daring, socially relevant new plays of visceral impact, where he served as Co-Artistic Director from 2001-2012. From 2007-2010 he served as Associate Artistic Director of the Pasadena Playhouse, where he directed main stage productions and oversaw programming for the Playhouse’s second stage, including its Hothouse New Play Development Program. His directing credits include work at the Pasadena Playhouse, Intiman Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Laguna Playhouse, A Noise Within, The Theatre@Boston Court, Odyssey Theatre, The Blank Theatre, The Road Theatre and Furious Theatre.
Dámaso is a recipient of the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award, the Back Stage Garland Award, the NAACP Theatre Award, and the Pasadena Arts Council’s Gold Crown Award. In 2010,
Furious Theatre (more) Company was named to LA Weekly’s list of “Best Theatres of the Decade.” In 2012, he was honored as a finalist for the Zelda Fichandler Award. He is a member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society.
Recent productions: Ruth & Augustus Goetz’ The Heiress (starring Richard Chamberlain), Lillian Hellman’s The Little Foxes (starring Kelly McGillis) and Austin Pendleton’s Orson’s Shadow (starring Sharon Lawrence) at the Pasadena Playhouse; the reading of Steven Drukman’s The Prince of Atlantis for the Pacific Playwrights Festival at South Coast Repertory, Clifford Odets’ Paradise Lost at Intiman Theatre; Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit, Tennessee Williams’ The Eccentricities of a Nightingale, Eugene O’Neill’s Desire Under the Elms, Bernard Shaw’s The Doctor’s Dilemma at A Noise Within. Furious Theatre credits include the Los Angeles premieres of Craig Wright’s Grace, Peter Sinn Nachtrieb’s Boom and Hunter Gatherers, Bruce Norris’ The Pain and the Itch, Yussef El Guindi’s Back of the Throat, Richard Bean’s The God Botherers,
Neil LaBute’s The Shape of Things, and the world premieres of Alex Jones’ Canned Peaches in Syrup and Matt Pelfrey’s An Impending Rupture of the Belly and No Good Deed, among many others. His film directing credits include the darkly comic feature Pure Shock Value, which was selected as the Centerpiece Film of the Hollywood Fringe Festival, and episodes of the web series A G.A.N.G. by screenwriter Matt Pelfrey (MTV’s Skins). More information at: http://www.damaso-rodriguez.com
Artists Repertory Theatre
Portland’s longest-running theatre company, Artists Repertory Theatre celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Over the past three decades Artists Rep has made a name for itself offering adventurous plays – comedies, dramas and musicals alike – that are supremely entertaining, thoughtful and provocative. Artists Rep feeds our community’s artistic soul with premieres, re-imagined classics, new play development and educational outreach. More information at www.artistsrep.org
The 2012/13 Artists Repertory Theatre season is presented by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. Premiere season sponsors are Ronni Lacroute/WillaKenzie Estate and The Oregonian. Season hotel sponsors are Mark Spencer Hotel and Hotel deLuxe. The 2012/13 radio sponsor is KINK.FM. Other support comes from Regional Arts Culture Council, Work for Art, Oregon Arts Commission, Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation, All Classical and Maletis Beverage.
Portland, October 30th. Nearly 1,000 corporate and business leaders joined the crowed at this year’s Governors’ Gold Awards where athletes were honored. (Photo credit Andie Petkus) This year’s Governor Gold Awardees include: Orville Roth from Roth’s Fresh Markets. Joe Weston, Wally Rhines from Mentor Graphics, Governor Victor Atiyeh, Governor Barbara Roberts, Governor John Kitzhaber, Governor Theodore Kulongoski, Tamara Lundgren from Schnitzer Steel Industries, Chip Terhune from Schnitzer Steel Industries, Gary Fish from Deschutes Brewery, Leesa Cobb and Aaron Longton from Port Orford Ocean Resource Team.
This year’s Governor Gold Awardees listed from left to right – Orville Roth from Roth’s Fresh Markets. Joe Weston, Wally Rhines from Mentor Graphics, Governor Victor Atiyeh, Governor Barbara Roberts, Governor John Kitzhaber, Governor Theodore Kulongoski, Tamara Lundgren from Schnitzer Steel Industries, Chip Terhune from Schnitzer Steel Industries, Gary Fish from Deschutes Brewery, Leesa Cobb and Aaron Longton from Port Orford Ocean Resource Team.
This year’s Governor Gold Awardees included Orville Roth from Roth’s Fresh Markets
Gerry Frank and Gov. John Kitzaber
This year’s Governor Gold Awardees included Joe Weston.
The benefit luncheon raised $230,000 at the event. One of Special Olympics Oregon supporters was also there, Mariel Zagunis; two time World Championship and a stunning two Olympic Gold medal winner.
Special Olympics Oregon athlete, Travis Koski, address the audience and thanks everyone for their support of Special Olympics Oregon programs and services. Travis is a gold medal winner in the pentathlon, enjoys public speaking and hanging out with his friends.
Nearly 1,000 corporate and business leaders joined the crowed at this year’s Governors’ Gold Awards. One of Special Olympics Oregon supporters was also there, Mariel Zagunis; two time World Championship and a stunning two Olympic Gold medal winner.
Governor John Kitzhaber, awards a Special Olympics Oregon athlete with this year’s Gert Boyle Greatness Award.
From Special Olympics Oregon: Here in Oregon, while Special Olympics Oregon serves more than 10,000 participants throughout the state, nearly 70,000 people with intellectual disabilities could benefit from participating in Special Olympics. Still growing, Special Olympics Oregon is efficiently expanding programs to get closer and closer to serving every individual with intellectual disabilities that qualifies to participate in Special Olympics.
Special Olympics Oregon offers training and competition opportunities in 14 different Olympic-style sports. There are three sports seasons throughout the year, with statewide competitions and training in winter, summer and fall.
Special Olympics Oregon holds events in every region of the state, every month of the year, providing athletes the opportunity to be competing and training as often as they choose.
Special Olympics athletes train intensely for eight weeks prior to each State Games event. Volunteer coaches are responsible for training the athletes. Volunteers must complete a certification program prior to becoming Special Olympics coaches and must attend training schools before each season.
Special Olympics Oregon (SOOR) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in the state of Oregon to provide sports training and athletic competition for persons with mental disabilities. SOOR is accredited by Special Olympics, Inc. (SOI) and responsible for following the policies and rules established by SOI in the delivery of services in Oregon. It is known as a Program of SOI. A volunteer Board of Directors provides policy decisions and long-range planning for SOOR. The Board employs a staff of people to implement the day-to-day operations.
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