Portland, OR. Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) is restoring much of its summer programming in 2021 with resources from the Parks Local Option Levy which passed in November of 2020. Click here for an interactive map to find a park.
All seven outdoor public pools and five indoor pools will open on Tuesday, June 22nd. Additionally, Free Lunch + Play will be off and running. It supports families by offering nutritious meals and recreational activities during the summer recess. Free Lunch + Play runs from June 21st through August 20th. Click here for a link to that program.
During the school year, 57% of young Portlanders qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. Without school lunches, summer becomes the time when nearly 50,000 Portland children face hunger daily.
Free Lunch + Play offers accessible meal service and engaging activities for kids age 18 and under.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the summer will still look a bit different. In summer 2021, Portland Parks & Recreation’s primary goal is to keep our community healthy and to protect the public from the spread of COVID-19. PP&R designed outdoor summer programming to meet public health guidance and to be flexible as conditions change. Due to public health guidance, some PP&R sites and programs may need to operate at reduced capacity or change locations.
Arts classes and camps
Multnomah Arts Center will offer outdoor camps and virtual classes. Community Music Center will offer outdoor classes at Kenilworth Park and virtual classes.
Fitness in the Park PP&R has ten parks (twice the amount of last year!) featuring outdoor fitness programs such as yoga, exercise, and Zumba classes.
Free Lunch + Play
Free nutritious meals for youth ages 1-18. Plus free, drop-in activities and special events including art and music activities, pop-up performances, book/reading events, sports, games, and more. No registration required.
Pop-up Performances
Summer Free For All will present small, surprise, “pop-up” performances by local artists at Free Lunch + Play sites and other parks around the city.
Interactive Fountains and Splash Pads
Interactive fountains are open during park hours starting in mid-May, remaining on through early autumn. Splash pads are open daily from June 11 through September 6, between 11:00 am and 7:00 pm.
Ladybug Nature Walks
Guided family programs to connect Portlanders to the natural environment.
Lifelong Recreation (formerly known as Senior Recreation)
Virtual programs and outdoor activities available to Portlanders ages 60 and up.
Nature Day Camps
Summer day camps for kids to hike and explore nature.
Summer Camps
Outdoor day camps, sports, and art camps for ages 5-12 at 20 locations across the city. Camp group sizes are limited and campers will remain with other participants of similar ages.
Swimming pools and lessons*
All seven outdoor public pools and five indoor pools will open on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, if health conditions and staffing allow. Pools will have swim lessons and water exercise classes by reservation only, and limit other offerings to protect public health. Lap swim and water fitness reservations at indoor pools are available between 5:30 am and 12:30 pm.
Here’s a video about Portland Parks:
Community Centers
Community centers will support outdoor COVID-19-responsive programming this summer. Community centers will not be open to the public this summer, regardless of public health guidance. PP&R looks forward to the centers reopening in the fall of 2021.
Portland, OR. This summer marks the 12th year of the Movies in the Park program for Portland Parks and Recreation and screenings will include hits like Black Panther and The Greatest Showman. The free program has grown from 13 movies to a run of over 40 during a 12-week period.
Most screenings feature a pre-movie concert by local musicians.
Here’s a list of the 2018 offerings:
July 6
Kenilworth Park, SE Holgate Boulevard and 32nd Avenue
Greydogz—New Orleans-style funk, blues, folk, and reggae
Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association, Reed Neighborhood Association
9, 10, 17
Moana (2016) PG—English with Spanish subtitles
Fernhill Park, NE 37th Avenue and Ainsworth Street
Portland Interfaith Gospel Choir—Traditional and contemporary black gospel music
Fernhill Summer Concerts Committee
70, 72, 75
July 7
Dickinson Park, SW 57th Place and Huddleston Street
Bottleneck Blues Band—Red-hot, funky dance blues
Crestwood Neighborhood Association
12, 43, 44, 96
Ferdinand (2017) PG
July 9
Sellwood Riverfront Park, SE Spokane Street and Oaks Pkwy
Farnell Newton & The Othership Connection—Revitalizing funk and soul with a twist
Championed by Collage, Sellwood Riverfront Park Concerts Committee
19, 35, 36, 70, 99
July 10
Mt. Tabor Park, SE 69th Avenue and Taylor Street
Dina y los Rumberos—Vibrant, energetic Cuban and international
Mt. Tabor/Berrydale Concerts Committee
15, 71
July 11
Khunamokwst Park, 5200 NE Alberta Street
Matíces Latin Band—Andean pan pipes, Cuban son, and Latin jazz
Cully Association of Neighbors
24, 71, 72, 75
Beauty and the Beast (2017) PG—English with Spanish subtitles
July 12
George Park, 7240 N Fessenden Street
Colectivo de Son Jarocho de Portland—Deep Afro-Mexican roots
St. Johns Center for Opportunity
4, 11
The Sandlot (1993) PG—English with Spanish subtitles
July 13
Wilshire Park, NE 33rd Avenue and Skidmore Street
Far Out West—Rootsy funk and blues rock
Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association, Alameda Neighborhood Association
17, 24, 70, 75
The Secret Life of Pets (2016) PG
Fernhill Park, NE 37th Avenue and Ainsworth Street
Sonny Hess and Lady Kat—Modern blues and soulful rhythm and blues
Championed by Vacasa, Fernhill Summer Concerts Committee
70, 72, 75
July 14
Glenhaven Park, 7900 NE Siskiyou Street
All Together Now—Beatles cover band
Madison South Neighborhood
12, 24, 72
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) PG-13—English with Spanish subtitles
July 15
April Hill Park, SW 58th Avenue and Miles Street
Rogue Bluegrass Band—Acoustic bluegrass
Maplewood Neighborhood Association
1, 45
Coco (2017) PG
July 16
Sellwood Riverfront Park, SE Spokane Street and Oaks Pkwy
Lloyd Jones Quartet with LaRhonda Steele—Spontaneous blues, jazz, and soul
Portland, OR. The smell of roses wafted over the crowd celebrating 100 years of roses in Portland. The August 26th event at Washington Park featured rose tours, art displays, rose ice cream from Salt & Straw Ice Cream and a special concert. The 4.5 acre garden is the oldest continuously operating public rose test garden in the United States and helped provide Portland with its nickname: “City of Roses”.
The terraced garden attracts nearly 700,000 visitors a year who revel in sweet scents and sweeping views. There are over 7,000 rose plants of approximately 550 varieties.
The roses bloom from April through October with the peak coming in June, depending on the weather. New rose cultivars are continually sent to the garden from many parts of the world and are tested for color, fragrance, disease resistance and other attributes.
Here’s more information about Portland’s Rose Garden:
The garden is located in Washington Park, at 400 SW Kingston Avenue.
Garden hours: 7:30am-9:00pm FREE public tours are offered daily at 1:00pm, from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. Meet at the Rose Garden store 10 minutes prior.
Effective September 2016 to March 2018, parking is extremely limited in Washington Park due to a multi-year Portland Water Bureau project. Visitors are encouraged to take TriMet MAX Light Rail to Washington Park to avoid delays in parking. Visit explorewashingtonpark.org for further information on parking and the free shuttle bus that runs throughout the park. Find out more about the Reservoir Improvements Project at Washington Park.
Tour Groups Guided tours for groups of 11 or more are available during the year for a nominal fee per person. Call 503-823-3664 to make arrangements.
Visit the Rose Garden Store website at www.rosegardenstore.org. The American Garden Rose Selections organization has eleven test sites nationally:
Portland International Rose Test Garden
Orangeburg, SC
San Jose, CA
Farmer’s Branch ,TX
Baton Rouge, LA
Kennewick, WA
Westfield, MA
Columbus, OH
Glencoe, IL
Ames, IA
Lexington, KY
Program Information
Founded in 1889, the Portland Rose Society is a nonprofit organization offering educational programs on rose culture and encouraging the use of roses in the landscape. For information on Rose Society programs or membership, write or call Portland Rose Society, PO Box 515, Portland, 97207, voice mail: 503-777-4311.
Volunteer opportunities are available in both garden and non-garden work. Garden tasks include deadheading, planting, pruning, sign painting, and garden improvement projects. Non-garden tasks include strategic planning, fundraising, updating educational materials, leading garden tours, maintaining inventory records, and coordinating volunteer efforts. Contact the Rose Garden, 503-823-3636 or Volunteer Services, 503-823-5121.
Historical Information
Portland has long had a love affair with roses. In 1888, Georgiana Burton Pittock, wife of publisher Henry Pittock, invited her friends and neighbors to exhibit their roses in a tent set up in her garden; thus the Portland Rose Society was established.
Madame Caroline Testout was a late 19th century French dressmaker from Grenoble, the proprietor of fashionable salons in London and Paris. She regularly purchased silks from Lyon, which was an important center for rose breeding. The nurseryman Joseph Pernet-Ducher was called ‘The Wizard of Lyon’ due to his success in developing hybrid tea roses. Madame Testout was an astute businesswoman and understood the value of good publicity. She asked Perner-Ducher to name one of his new roses after her. He agreed, but considered her choice of seedling to be mediocre. The ‘Madame Caroline Testout’ rose made its debut at the salon’s 1890 spring fashion show. It was not strong on scent, but became an immediate success with Madame Testout’s well to do customers as well as the gardening public for its abundant silky, rose-pink flowers. The new variety’s popularity spread to America, and in Portland, nearly half a million bushes of ‘Caroline Testout’ were planted along the sidewalks. By 1905 Portland had 200 miles of rose-bordered streets which helped attract visitors to the Lewis and Clark Centennial celebration. Portland came to be known as the ‘City of Roses’.
In 1915 Jesse A. Currey, rose hobbyist and Sunday editor of the Oregon Journal, convinced city officials to institute a rose test garden to serve as a safe haven during World War I for hybrid roses grown in Europe. Rose lovers feared that these unique plants would be destroyed in the bombings. The Park Bureau approved the idea in 1917 and by early 1918, hybridists from England began to send roses. In 1921 Florence Holmes Gerke, the landscape architect for the city of Portland, was charged with designing the International Rose Test Garden and the amphitheatre. The garden was dedicated in June 1924. Currey was appointed as the garden’s first rose curator and served in that capacity until his death in 1927.
Part of the original design, the Royal Rosarian Garden is home to the namesake roses of all past Prime Ministers of the Royal Rosarians, a civic group which serves as the official greeters and goodwill ambassadors for the City of Portland. Founded in 1912, the Order of Royal Rosarians modeled their mythical ‘Realm of Rosaria’ after the government of England’s King Henry VII, whose rise to the throne in 1485 ended the War of the Roses. Members are ‘knighted’ into the organization under their chosen variety of rose, which is then their ‘namesake’ rose. The garden also features a stone bench honoring Jesse Currey.
In 1945, the Shakespeare Garden, located at Crystal Springs Lake in southeast Portland, was moved to Washington Park to allow for expansion of Eastmoreland Golf Course. Designed by Glenn Stanton and Florence Gerke, it was originally intended to include only herbs, trees, and flowers mentioned in William Shakespeare’s plays. The garden continues to honor the Bard with roses named after characters in his plays. The focal point of the garden is the Shakespeare Memorial, a brick wall with a plaque featuring Shakespeare’s image and his quote, “Of all flowers methinks a rose is best.” Donated by the LaBarre Shakespeare Club, it was dedicated on April 23, 1946 – the 382nd anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth. In 1957 the club added a sundial to the garden.
In 1967, rose curator Rudolph Kalmbach wanted to establish a formal garden featuring Gold Award roses. (In 1919 the City of Portland issued its first annual Gold Award for the best new rose variety.) With the support of the Portland Rose Society, Wallace Kay Huntington was selected to design the garden which was dedicated in June 1970. In 1991, the Portland Rose Society donated the pavilion which overlooks these award-winning roses.
Established in 1975, the Miniature Rose Garden is one of only six testing grounds for the American Rose Society (ARS) miniature rose test program. The national annual winners from both ARS and AARS associations are displayed in the middle of the garden along the center aisle.
Set in a sunken section on the upper level of the garden, the Frank Beach Memorial Fountain was dedicated in June 1975. The stainless steel sculpture, titled Water Sculpture, was designed and built by Oregon artist Lee Kelly. The fountain was a gift from the Beach family to honor their father, Frank Edwin Beach (1853-1934), the man who is said to have christened Portland the ‘City of Roses’ and who first proposed the annual Rose Festival.
Awards The award called Portland’s Best Rose was established in 1996. Rose experts from around the world attend a one-day judging in June and select the best rose that day from thousands of submissions. Portland remains the only North American city to issue such an award.
Portland, OR. It’s a musical tradition over 110 years in the making and Concerts in the Park offer something for everyone. The Rose City’s best and brightest, like Johnny Limbo and the Lugnuts, entertain outside for free. From classical to rhythm & blues, musicians have been entrancing audiences in Portland parks since 1901. The concerts take place in July and August, so grab your calendar and check out all the dates below. (Photo credit, Portland Parks)
Today’s crowds flock to Portland parks citywide for the revelry, with over forty thousand people attending 65 concerts offered in 2015. The events are supported by partnerships with neighborhood associations and local sponsors.
Here’s a list of all the free summer concerts in the parks.
ALL CONCERTS BEGIN AT 6:30 PM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Pack a picnic dinner or dine with our vendors, bring a blanket or chairs, and spend time with family and friends at a live concert performance.
SELLWOOD RIVERFRONT PARK • SE Spokane & Oaks Pkwy • Transit #70, #99
Monday, July 11
Keegan Smith (Original urban Americana)
Monday, July 18
Pete Krebs and the Portland Playboys (Western swing and honkey tonk)
Monday, July 25
Edna Vazquez (Velvety, Latin pop with folkloric roots)
Monday, Aug 1
Karen Lovely (Award-winning contemporary blues)
Monday, Aug 8
Windermere Stellar presents: Quarterflash (Energetic 80’s rock music)
DENORVAL UNTHANK PARK • 510 N Shaver St • 5:30 PM • Transit #44, #4
Monday, July 11
Grupo Condor (Performs “Legends of Mexico”)
Monday, Aug 15
Obo Addy’s Legacy Project (Interactive, dance and rhythms from Ghana)
MT TABOR PARK • SE 69th & Taylor St • Transit #15
Tuesday, July 5
World’s Finest (Americana, ska, and jam)
Tuesday, July 12
The Strange Tones (Surf tinged blues with a James Bond twist)
Tuesday, July 19
Ken DeRouchie Band (Muddy nominated blues)
Tuesday, July 26
Pure Vida (High energy salsa and timba)
COLUMBIA PARK ANNEX • N Woolsey & Willamette Blvd • Transit #75
Tuesday, July 5
Scott Pemberton Quartet (Classic rock, jazz, psychedelia and everything in between)
Tuesday, July 12
Dirty Revival (Soul, funk, and hip-hop)
Tuesday, July 19
The Student Loan String Band (Pacific Northwest “jamgrass”)
KENTON PARK • N Kilpatrick & Delaware Ave • Transit #4, yellow
Tuesday, July 26
The Dusu Mali Band (Improvisational African jazz)
Tuesday, Aug 2
Ian McFeron (Bluesy-Americana, folk-rock ‘n’ roll)
Tuesday, Aug 9
Northwest Blues Explosion (Funky, danceable blues and R&B)
MCCOY PARK • N Fiske & Trenton St • Transit #4
Tuesday, Aug 16
POPgogi (Soul meets Brazilian beats)
Tuesday, Aug 23
New Columbia Campus Partners presents: Dina y los Rumberos (Vibrant, energetic Cuban music)
FERNHILL PARK • NE 37th, North of Ainsworth St • Transit #75, #72
Tuesday, Aug 2
National Night Out
Concordia Neighborhood Association presents: The Wanderlust Orchestra (Rip-roaring cabaret)
DAWSON PARK • N Stanton & Williams Ave • Transit #4, #24, #44
Wednesday, July 6
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center presents: Soul Vaccination (The Northwest’s premier funk and soul band)
Wednesday, July 13
Hank Shreve Band (Rockin’ blues and soulful originals)
Wednesday, July 20
Sabroso (Latin to funk and everything between)
Wednesday, July 27
Andy Stokes (Traditional R&B)
WILLAMETTE PARK • SW Macadam & Nebraska St • Transit #35, #36,#43
Wednesday, July 6
National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) presents: Freak Mountain Ramblers (Home brewed mountain rock ‘n’ roll)
Wednesday, July 13
Malea & The Tourists (PDX’s Dynamic swing, pop, variety band)
Wednesday, July 20
The Back Alley String Band (Bluegrass, Americana and original acoustic music)
Wednesday, July 27
Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) presents: Reggie Houston’s Box of Chocolates (Fine sax with strings attached)
VENTURA PARK • SE 113th & Stark St • Transit #20, blue
Wednesday, Aug 3
Barn Door Slammers (Western swing and hillbilly jazz)
Wednesday, Aug 10
Tracy Fordice Band (Original, soulful rock)
Wednesday, Aug 17
Wamba (World Beat, African jazz, Afrobeat)
Wednesday, Aug 24
Son de Cuba (Latin, African, and jazz rhythms)
WALLACE PARK • NW 25th & Raleigh St • Transit #15, #18
Thursday, July 7
SELCO Community Credit Union presents: Castletown (Energetic Celtic folk rock)
Thursday, July 14
Geno Michaels & Soul City (Neo-Soul, R&B, funk)
Thursday, July 21
SELCO Community Credit Union presents: Caleb Klauder (Americana, honky tonk)
GLENHAVEN PARK • NE 82nd & Siskiyou St • Transit #72
Thursday, July 7
Sam Bam Boo (Caribbean grooves and tropical rhythms)
Thursday, July 14
Tony Ozier & the Doo Doo Funk All Stars (Funk and beats galore)
Thursday, July 21
Too Loose Cajun Zydeco Band (Louisiana dance tunes)
BERRYDALE PARK • SE 92nd & Taylor St • Transit #15, Green
Thursday, Aug 11
Sapphire Health Services presents: Samsel (Harmonious indie rock)
Thursday, Aug 18
University of Western States presents: The Libertine Bells (Hot, vintage swing)
Thursday, Aug 25
The Rose City Kings (Muddy award-;winning blues)
COUCH PARK • NW 20th & Glisan St • Transit #77
Thursday, Aug 11
Folsom (Fun-loving, classic Americana)
Thursday, Aug 18
Tezeta (Funky soul and jazz inspired by Ethiopia’s golden age)
FERNHILL PARK • NE 37th, North of Ainsworth St • Transit #75, #72
Friday, July 8
Vacasa presents: Tony Starlight (Music, laughter, Sinatra to the ‘80s)
Friday, July 15
The Quick & Easy Boys (Harmonious indie rock)
Friday, July 22
LaRhonda Steele (Irresistible soul music)
Friday, July 29
Mariachi Viva Mexico (The premier mariachi band in the Northwest)
LOVEJOY FOUNTAIN PARK • SW 3rd & Harrison • Transit #35, #54, Green, Yellow
Friday, July 22
Jujuba (Danceable Nigerian Afrobeat)
Friday, July 29
The Shanghai Woolies (Hot jazz-age pop)
Saturday, July 30
Cathedral Park • 6:00 PM
Portland Festival Symphony
Sunday, July 31
Laurelhurst Park • 6:00 PM
Portland Festival Symphony
Wednesday, Aug 3
Willamette Park • 5:30 PM
NCNM & OHSU presents: South Portland Health & Safety Fair
Friday, Aug 5
South Park Blocks • 6:30 PM
National Night Out Downtown Neighborhood Association presents: Pa’Lante (Fiery salsa & Afro-Cuban rhythms)
Saturday, Aug 6
Peninsula Park • 6:00 PM
Portland Festival Symphony
Sunday, Aug 7
Grant Park • 6:00 PM
Portland Festival Symphony
Sunday, Aug 14
Washington Park • 6:00 PM
Portland Festival Symphony
Sunday, Aug 28
Laurelhurst Park • 6:00 PM
Providence Stage Band
Aladdin Cafe
Fernhill Park
Atlas Scoops
Sellwood Park
Bi-Partisan Cafe
Mt. Tabor Park
Mad Dogs
Sellwood, Wallace, Couch, Mt Tabor, Cathedral, Laurelhurst, Lovejoy, Grant, and Peninsula Park
Bassotto Gelateria
Kenton Park, Columbia Annex
Island Daydream Shave Ice
Wallace, Couch, McCoy, Dawson, and Fernhill Park
My Mamma’s Gumbo
Sellwood, Columbia Annex, Dawson, McCoy, and Berrydale Park
Nia Water Beverage Catering
Laurelhurst, Peninsula, Cathedral, and Grant Park
Kenton Park
Portland Ice Cream Company
Mt Tabor, Berrydale, Willamette, Ventura, Lovejoy, Cathedral, Laurelhurst, Peninsula, Grant, and Washington Park
Ross Island Grocery & Cafe
Willamette Park
Pip’s Original Doughnuts
Glenhaven Park
The Village Crepery
Wallace Park, Fernhill Park
Tortilleria y Tienda de Leon’s
Fernhill, Ventura, Sellwood, and Glenhaven Park
The Whole Bowl
Mt. Tabor Park
If you need a sign language interpreter or FM loop amplifier, please contact 503-823-4333, or 711 (TRS) at least ten (10) business days in advance of the performance. Information about PP&R programs and services is available online for those needing a voice synthesis – PortlandParks.org.
Alcoholic beverages for personal consumption are permitted only during Concerts in the Park events.
All dogs must be on a leash.
All parks and natural areas are smoke and tobacco free zones.
Portland, June 21st, 2015. One of the terrific aspects of summertime in Portland is the long list of free outdoor concerts and movies scheduled though the City of Portland’s Parks Bureau. The links below will give you more details and there’s also full listing of movies and concerts below. YES! It’s music to our ears!
Summer concerts in neighborhood parks get underway at about 6:30pm almost every night beginning in July, like this one last year at the Rose Garden at Washington Park.
Pre-movie entertainment begins at 6:30 PM: performances by local musicians and free popcorn!
Note: music begins at 5:30 PM on Sept 13 at Sewallcrest Park
Movies begin at dusk.
Bring jackets and extra blankets – it can get chilly when the sun goes down!
July 8
Peninsula Park,
700 N. Rosa Parks Way
#4, #44,
Despicable Me 2 (2013) PG
Echoes of Yasgurs & Portland Teen Idols
July 9
Woodlawn Park,
NE Claremont & Oneonta
#8, #75,
The Princess Bride(1987) PG
Manimalhouse & Portland Teen Idols
July 10
Wilshire Park,
NE 33rd & Skidmore
#70, #17,
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) PG
Echoes of Yasgurs
July 11
Kenilworth Park,
SE 34th & Holgate Blvd.
#17, #75,
The Lego Movie (2014) PG
The Sale
July 12
Glenhaven Park,
NE 82nd & Siskiyou
#72, #24,
The Book of Life (2014) PG (in Spanish with English subtitles)
Conjunto Alegré
July 16
King School Park,
NE 6th & Going St.
#72, #6,
The Karate Kid (1984) PG
Global FM & Portland Teen Idols
July 16
Portland Art Museum / South Park Blocks, 1219 SW Park Ave.
#6, #38,
Jason and the Argonauts(1963) G
The Terry Robb Trio
July 17
Irving Park,
NE 10th & Fremont
#24, #6,
The Imitation Game(2014) PG-13
The Definition & Brothers Jam
July 18
Glenhaven Park,
NE 82nd & Siskiyou
#72, #24,
Back to the Future (1985) PG (in English with Spanish subtitles)
All Together Now
July 18
St. John’s Park,
8427 N. Central
#4, #16,
Annie (2014) PG
The High Water Jazz Band
July 19
Lents Park,
SE 92nd & Holgate
#17, #10,
#9, Max
Green Line
The Goonies (1985) PG
The Portland School of Rock & Portland Teen Idols
July 22
Reed College (sports field), SE 33rd & Steele
#19, #10
Big Hero 6 (2014) PG
The Sale
July 23
Grant Park,
NE 36th & Brazee
#70, #77,
Kuky se vrací (2010) NR (in Czech with English subtitles)
July 24
Woodstock Park,
SE 50th & Steele
#10, #71,
The NeverEnding Story(1984) PG
July 25
Lents Park,
SE 92nd & Holgate
#17, #10,
#9, Max
Green Line
Wreck-It Ralph (2012) PG (in Russian with English subtitles)
Music provided by the Slavic Festival
July 25
Concordia University,
2811 NE Holman
#17, #75,
Labyrinth (1986) PG
Hot Club Time Machine
July 29
Jackson Middle School,
10625 SW 35th
#43, #12,
The Emperor’s New Groove (2000) G
The Terry Robb Trio & Portland Teen Idols
July 30
Elizabeth Caruthers Park,
3508 SW Moody
#35, #36,
The Princess Bride(1987) PG
The Jellyroll Society
July 31
Laurelhurst Park,
SE 37th & Oak
#75, #66,
Toy Story 2 (1999) G
Manimalhouse & Portland Teen Idols
July 31
Gateway Park,
NE 106th & Halsey
#23, #77,
Field of Dreams (1989) PG (in English with Spanish subtitles)
The Sale
Aug 1
Earl Boyles Park,
SE 112th & Boise
#9, #17
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) PG (in English with Spanish subtitles)
Echoes of Yasgurs & Portland Teen Idols
Aug 1
Dickinson Park,
SW 57th Pl. & Huddleson
#43, #12
The Book of Life (2014) PG
The New Iberians
Aug 2
Sellwood Park,
SE 7th & Bidwell
#70, #35,
Frozen *Sing-along!*(2013) PG
Echoes of Yasgurs & Portland Teen Idols
Aug 4
Mill Park,
SE 117th & Stephens
#71, #4
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day(2014) PG (in English with Spanish subtitles)
Global FM & Portland Teen Idols
Aug 5
Parkrose High School
(upper soccer field),
NE 115th & Skidmore
#22, #71
The Incredibles (2004) PG (in English with Spanish subtitles)
Echoes of Yasgurs & Portland Teen Idols
Aug 6
Parklane Park,
SE 155th & Main
#20, Max
Blue Line
McFarland, USA (2015) PG (in English with Spanish subtitles)
Echoes of Yasgurs & Portland Teen Idols
Aug 7
Glenfair Park,
NE 154th & Couch Ct.
#25, #20,
Max Blue
Big Hero 6 (2014) PG (in English with Spanish subtitles)
The Touchables
Aug 7
Alberta Park,
NE 19th & Ainsworth
#72, #17,
101 Dalmatians (1996, Live-action) G
Michele D’Amour and the Love Dealers
Aug 8
Wilkes Park,
NE 154th & Beech
#21, #23,
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) G (in English with Spanish subtitles)
The Portland School of Rock
Aug 8
Warner Pacific College,
2219 SE 68th
#4, #71,
The Lego Movie (2014) PG
Aug 9
April Hill Park,
SW 54th & Logan Ct.
#1, #45
A Bug’s Life (1998) G
The Pearls
Aug 9
Colwood Golf Course,
7313 NE Columbia Blvd.
Happy Gilmore (1996) PG-13
Aug 13
Oregon Park,
NE 29th & Oregon
#19, #12,
Pee-wee’s Big Adventure(1985) PG
The Sale
Aug 14
Irving Park,
NE 10th & Fremont
#24, #6,
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) PG-13
Echoes of Yasgurs
Aug 14
Washington Park (at the Rose Garden Amphitheater),
410 SW Kingston
#83, #63,
Grease *Sing-along!*(1978) PG-13
The Steve Bradley & Jim Mesi Band
Aug 15
Concordia University,
2811 NE Holman
#17, #75,
Paddington (2014) PG
The Sale
Aug 16
Arbor Lodge Park,
NE Delaware & Bryant
#35, #44,
Mary Poppins (1964) G
Michele D’Amour and the Love Dealers
Aug 19
Wellington Park,
NE 66th & Skidmore
#71, #24,
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial(1982) PG
Echoes of Yasgurs
Aug 20
Brooklyn Park,
SE Milwaukie & Haig
#19, #17,
The Wizard of Oz (1939) PG
Aug 21
Laurelhurst Park,
SE 37th & Oak
#75, #66,
Cinderella (2015, Live-action) PG
Michele D’Amour and the Love Dealers
Aug 22
Sewallcrest Park,
SE 31st & Market
#14, #4,
Napoleon Dynamite(2004) PG
Aug 25
Mt. Scott Park,
SE 74th & Reedway
#10, #14,
101 Dalmatians (1961, Animated) G
Echoes of Yasgurs
Aug 27
Wallace Park,
NW 25th & Pettygrove
#15, #77,
Wicky and the Treasure of the Gods (2011) NR (in German with English subtitles)
Summer concerts in neighborhood parks start at about 6:30pm almost every night beginning in July, like this one last year at the Rose Garden at Washington Park
Here’s the list: All concerts begin at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted.
Pack a picnic dinner, bring a blanket or chairs, and spend time with family and friends!
Washington Park Summer Festival – 8 evening performances in the Rose Garden Amphitheater
SELLWOOD RIVERFRONT PARK • SE Spokane & Oaks Pkwy • 6:30 PM
#35 #36
July 6
Chervona – Eastern Euro Carnival Insanity
July 13
Windermere Stellar, Moreland Group Presents:
Ural Thomas & the Pain – Portland’s Pillar of Soul
July 20
OnPoint Community Credit Union Presents:
Mary Flower & the BBQ Boys – Legendary guitar picker meets Jug Band
July 27
Roseland Hunters – New Orleans Funk
Aug 3
Sellwood Westmoreland Business Alliance Presents:
Catarina New & Brazilian Touch – Saxafunky Latin Rhythms
MT TABOR PARK • SE 69th & Taylor • 6:30 PM
July 7
Freak Mountain Ramblers – Home Brewed Mountain Rock ‘n’ Roll
July 14
Jacob Miller & the Bridge City Crooners – Toe-Tappin’ Ragtime Swing
July 21
Bloco Alegria – Dance to the Brazilian Samba Beat
July 28
Warner Pacific College Presents:
Lisa Mann & Her Really Good Band – Bass-Driven Blues
COLUMBIA PARK ANNEX • N. Woolsey & Willamette Blvd. • 6:30 PM
#75, #44
July 7
The Quick & Easy Boys – Harmonious Indie Rock
July 14
Tony Ozier & the Doo Doo Funk All Stars – Funk & Beats Galore
July 21
The Quadraphonnes – PDX’s Female Sax Sensation
KENTON PARK • N. Kilpatrick & Delaware • 6:30 PM
#4, #35,
Max Yellow
July 28
Sam Bam Boo – Caribbean Grooves & Tropical Rhythms
Aug 4
National Night Out
Norman Sylvester Band – Portland’s Original Boogie Cat
Aug 11
The Little Sue Band – Powerful Acoustic Folk-Rock
MCCOY PARK • N. Fiske & Trenton • 6:30 PM
#4, #35
Aug 18
New Columbia Community Campus Partners Presents:
Pa’Lante – Fiery Salsa & Afro-Cuban Rhythms
Aug 25
Andy Stokes – Traditional Rhythm & Blues
DAWSON PARK • N. Stanton & Williams • 6:30 PM
#4, #24,
July 8
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center Presents:
Music-Community-Legacy – Remembering Janice & Linda
July 15
Muthaship – Old School Grooves
July 22
Tracy Fordice & the 8 Balls – Original, Soulful Rock
July 29
Pilon D’azucar Band – Incendiary Havana Salsa
WILLAMETTE PARK • SW Macadam & Nebraska • 6:30 PM
#35, #36,
July 8
Multnomah University Presents:
Darrell Grant – Sophisticated Bluesy Swing
July 15
National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) Presents:
The Stolen Sweets – Harmonious 30s Swing Jazz
July 22
Portland Water Bureau Presents:
Bon Ton Roulet – Uproarious Cajun & Zydeco
July 29
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Presents:
The Strange Tones – Volcano Vixens & Sonic Blues
VENTURA PARK • SE 115th & Stark • 6:30 PM
#20, #71,
Max Blue
Aug 5
The Krebsic Orkestar – Exuberant Baltic Brass
Aug 12
University of Western States Presents:
Pete Krebs & the Earnest Lovers – Old School Western Swing
Downtown Neighborhood Association Presents:
Redray Frazier – Amalgamation of Rock & Soul
Aug 14
Curtis Salgado – Blues-soaked R & B
Aug 21
Portland Community Wind Band – Celebration of American Music
UNTHANK PARK • 510 N. Shaver • 6:30 PM
#44, #4
July 12
Melao De Cuba – Vibrant Energetic Cuban
July 19
Geno Michaels & Soul City – Neo-Soul, R & B, Funk
Sat, July 25
#16, #4
Sat, Aug 1
#20, #75
Sun, Aug 2
#4, #44
Sat, Aug 8
#70, #77
WILLAMETTE PARK • SW Macadam & Nebraska • 5:30 PM
#35, #36,
Wed, Aug 5
OHSU & NCNM Presents:South Portland Health & Safety Fair
LAURELHURST PARK • SE Cesar E Chavez Blvd & Stark St • 6:00 PM
#20, #75
Sun, Aug 16
Providence Stage Band
All SFFA Events are Free!
If you need a sign language interpreter or FM loop amplifier, please contact 503-823-4333 or 711 (TRS) at least ten (10) business days in advance of the performance. Information about PP&R programs and services is available online for those needing a voice synthesis – www.PortlandParks.org.
Alcoholic beverages for personal consumption are permitted only during Summer Concerts in the Park events.
All dogs must be on a leash.
All parks and natural areas are smoke and tobacco free zones.
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Look for another ticket giveaway soon! Are you a nonprofit looking to bolster your publicity with facebook and tweets? Email us and we'll run a contest with tickets to your event! info@portlandsocietypage.com