Camp Starlight Integrates into Cascade AIDS Project’s Programming

Camp Starlight Integrates into Cascade AIDS Project’s Programming

Portland, November 15th. After 15 years of bringing joy, support, and just plain fun to hundreds of HIV/AIDS-affected and –infected children, Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) announced that Camp Starlight is now an official program within the agency’s Housing and Support Services department.

Though housed at CAP since 2007, Camp Starlight was not fully incorporated into CAP programs until October 2012. This integration gives CAP full administrative, programming and financial oversight for Camp, including recruiting volunteers, raising the money needed to fund the effort, and collaborating with organizations to make sure HIV-impacted families throughout Oregon and SW Washington are aware of the opportunity to send their children to the free, week-long Camp on the Oregon Coast. The Camp Starlight Commission will serve as the Camp Planning Committee offering invaluable insight, volunteer support in planning and implementing the camper experience, assisting in fund raising activities and keeping Camp successful.

Though integrated with the Kids’ Connection program, cash and in-kind gifts specifically designated for Camp Starlight will be applied solely to Camp Starlight expenses.

“With so much to celebrate, 2013 is going to be an absolutely incredible year for kids who are affected by HIV/AIDS,” said Kristin Kane, CAP’s Director of Housing and Support Services.

Incorporating Camp fully into CAP has another advantage: Camp Starlight and Kids’ Connection can be even more closely coordinated. Kids who are affected by HIV will not only benefit from a fun week away at Camp, but they’ll have the opportunity to get year-round support and stay connected to each other, to our volunteers, and to CAP staff.

“The integration of camp with Kids’ Connection only makes sense. Many of the kids are served by both programs,” said Kevin Cook, aka Poison Waters, of the former Commission and Current Advisory Committee. “This creates a powerful opportunity to support the campers year round. I’ve been involved for 13 years and look forward to continuing on the committee, raising funds and donating while encouraging others to volunteer and donate as well.”

To solidify the transition, in January 2013 CAP staff and the former Camp Commission, now the Camp Advisory Committee, will hold a retreat to review volunteer positions, Camp policies, and map out next steps for the next Camp Starlight, which will be held in August 2013. Also, details about volunteering for Camp will be posted on CAP’s volunteer resources page of our website next year.

Information submitted by Michael Sorensen | Director of Development
Cascade AIDS Project

Edwards Center Wins Facebook Contest for Wheelchair-Accessible Van

Edwards Center Wins Facebook Contest for Wheelchair-Accessible Van

Beaverton, November 14th.  The staff, Board of Directors, and clients of local non-profit, Edwards Center, Inc. came to Beaverton Toyota  to receive a very special donation: a custom, wheelchair-accessible 2013 Toyota Sienna Mobility. The Aloha-based Edwards Center has been working to support adults with developmental disabilities, such as autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other conditions, since 1972. However, despite having a sizable vehicle fleet to meet the needs of nearly 300 Oregonians with disabilities and 40 years of service, this is their first new car. (Photo credit, Betty Coulson)

Lisa K., Edwards Center client; Heather Self, Edwards Center Residential Manager.

Lisa K., Edwards Center client; Heather Self, Edwards Center Residential Manager.

Clients, client family, staff, and Board of Directors of Edwards Center.

Clients, client family, staff, and Board of Directors of Edwards Center.

All of this was possible through the generosity of Toyota, Beaverton Toyota, and Toyota Financial Services through the 100 Cars for Good Campaign. Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good program solicited 5,000 applications from non-profits around the US, of which 500 were selected. Each day for 100 days, 5 deserving non-profits competed to win the most votes through a Facebook app, with Toyota donating a brand new vehicle to the winning organization. Through the hard work and determination of their staff, Board, client family, vendors, business partners, and the Portland-area community, Edwards Center was able to win their voting day.

Monique Jackson, Toyota; Jessica Leitner, Edwards Center; Jean Edwards, Edwards Center; Russ Humberston, Jr., Beaverton Toyota; Ann Humberston, Beaverton Toyota.

Monique Jackson, Toyota; Jessica Leitner, Edwards Center; Jean Edwards, Edwards Center; Russ Humberston, Jr., Beaverton Toyota; Ann Humberston, Beaverton Toyota.

Jeff Greer, Edwards Center Personnel Manager; Kevin K., Edwards Center client; Heather Self, Edwards Center Residential Manager.

Jeff Greer, Edwards Center Personnel Manager; Kevin K., Edwards Center client; Heather Self, Edwards Center Residential Manager.

In addition to this new vehicle, Toyota Financial Services surprised everyone in attendance by providing an additional 10,000 mile, 6 year maintenance contract. The vehicle was locally retrofitted for wheelchair access by longtime Performance Mobility, of whom Edwards Center has been a customer for many years. Besides the organization’s staff and Board of Directors, the residents of Edwards Center’s Oak Street residence were especially excited to receive the new van. The 5 ladies of Oak Street were featured prominently in the video that accompanied Edwards Center’s voting page on the 100 Cars for Good Facebook app and their story was a major part in the success of Edwards Center’s voting campaign.

From the Edwards Center:

It is our mission to enhance the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities by helping them reach their highest potential through training, education, employment, housing and social opportunities in safe, healthy and stimulating environments.

We believe that every individual has their own unique potential and that they deserve the opportunity to reach it. So we provide the motivation, encouragement and support to help them do just that.

We work tirelessly to erase the lines of perception that separate the “abled” from the disabled, which is what makes us such a driving force in preserving the dignity and independence of the developmentally disabled – not just in Oregon, but in the nation.


WildCat Haven Sanctuary’s Big Cat Bash Delights Supporters

WildCat Haven Sanctuary’s Big Cat Bash Delights Supporters

West Linn, October 27th. WildCat Haven celebrated its 11th Anniversary with a benefit gala at the Oregon Golf Club. (Photo credit, Karine Aigner) The nonprofit is the only local sanctuary for big cats where supporters are happy to report, “Over 60 wildcats are no longer suffering from pain and neglect – they are living a safe, healthy, comfortable life.” It was a packed house at the auction with Scott Tom from 106.7  presiding as emcee.

Cheryl Mike and Tuller Directors

Mike & Cheryl Tuller, Founders of WildCat Haven, spoke of their passion for the big cats. They shared information about WCH’s mission and presented a video showing the new property recently purchased to move the sanctuary to, which is over 80  acres.

Tim Harrison speaks about the program

Tim Harrison explains the program

Ken Hick

Ken Hick

Howard Hedinger Table's was an upbeat spot

Howard Hedinger Table’s was an upbeat spot

Howard Hedinger was transformed into a philenthropic rockstar

Howard Hedinger was transformed into a philenthropic rockstar

There was a great turnout at the benefit.

There was a great turnout at the benefit.

cougar resident

cougar resident

Adele Tom and Elizabeth Entenman

Adele Tom and Elizabeth Entenman

Guest have fun with the Conga line

Guest have fun with the Conga line

Cheri Hick Scott Tom

Cheri Cooley Hick and Scott Tom

Cheri Cooley Hick and Scott Tom

Cheri Cooley Hick and Scott Tom



The WCH team

Sophia Kryszek, John Prengaman, Karine Aigner, Tim Harrison, Cheryl Tuller, Mike Tuller
and Tim Adams in front.

Wild Cat Red Wine
Wild Cat Red Wine

Folks were glued to their seats when Special Guest Speaker, Tim Harrison, star of the Genesis  award winning documentary, “The Elephant in the Living Room” introduced the WCH video showing the wildcat rescues and then gave an impassioned speech about WCH’s most recent  rescue of Nora & Katie, two bengal tigers from Ohio this past May. Tim & his team from Outreach for Animals were on site to help Mike & Cheryl prepare and load the tigers for the 2500 miles journey back to Oregon. Tim shared that International Fund for Animals (IFAW) helped with costs for the transport and are continuing to work with WCH for future rescue missions. Scott Tom & Cheri Hick presented a Special Appeal to raise funds for the new property and  started the fun with a Conga Line! Simply ‘A Purrfect Evening!”


From WildCat Haven:

 WildCat Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit, no-kill, ‘last hope’ sanctuary located in beautiful Sherwood, Oregon. Our mission is to provide a safe, natural lifetime home for captive-born wildcats in need. As the only sanctuary accredited by The American Sanctuary Association(ASA) in the Pacific Northwest, WildCat Haven is not open to the public; nor do we buy, sell, breed or exhibit our animals. It’s a philosophy we believe in and stand by for the safety and well being of the wildcats.

We are not a zoo for people but a safe haven for the animals in our care. Our rescues depend on us to provide for them. They trust we will keep them safe, comfortable, healthy and free from the pain and suffering they have experienced. And we are committed to fulfilling that trust every day. WildCat Haven receives no state or federal funding. Instead, we rely 100% on private donations.

WildCat Haven Sanctuary is proud and honored to announce the FREE screening of the film The Paw Project – A Documentary which will be held at The Mission Theater in Portland Oregon on November 18th, 2012 from 1 pm to 3 pm. The Paw Project documentary is an inspiring David and Goliath story of veterinarian Dr. Jennifer Conrad’s grassroots movement to protect felines, both large and small, from the cruelty of declawing and how the movement has prevailed despite the efforts of well-funded professional veterinary associations to thwart the movement.

In the United States today, approximately 25% of domesticated cats are declawed. Declawing is the amputation of the last bone in a cat’s toes. Despite the physical and behavioral harm inflicted on cats who are declawed, many veterinarians continue to recommend the procedure — which costs upwards of $1,200 per hour – even for very young kittens.

These are animals we love, and with whom we share our homes. Why aren’t we being told the truth of what the declawing procedure involves? What goes on when the vet takes our beloved companions in the back of the veterinary clinic? The Paw Project documentary chronicles the happy and unexpected twist of fate that led to the protection of many animals through the grassroots advocacy led by Dr. Conrad and The Paw Project. Please watch the trailer for The Paw Project Documentary and join us November 18th. Let’s show Dr. Conrad that she has Portland’s support on this issue! This film has been submitted to The Sundance Film Festival, so now is your chance to see it before it goes mainstream!

Milagro Theatre’s Frida Kahlo Comes to Life with National Tour

Milagro Theatre’s Frida Kahlo Comes to Life with National Tour

A bilingual Teatro Milagro touring production written by Dañel Malán will take to the stage in January.  Malán, Ajai Terrazas-Tripathi, Tricia Castañeda-Gonzáles and Daniel Moreno in the revival of Milagro’s national touring production FRIDA, un retablo, onstage Jan. 10-19, 2013 at the Milagro Theatre. It’s Directed/choreographed by Gabriela Portuguez. The remount — the play’s third time on national tour — is inspired by constant requests from Milagro followers, coupled with rave reviews from the 2007 production.

ABOUT THE PLAY: In Tehuantepec dress with eyebrows taking flight like the wings of a raven, Frida Kahlo is legendary for her numerous affairs, self-portraits and an independence that inspired generations of feminists around the world. From the streetcar accident that left her crippled, to her torrid relationship with muralist Diego Rivera, life and art intertwine in this story of one of Mexico’s most acclaimed visual artists. She was called a surrealist, but Frida said she never painted dreams, only her own reality.

SPECIAL EVENT: In conjunction with the play, Milagro is also pleased to present an art installation created by Susan Espino that explores the life and work of Frida Kahlo. Situated in the Zócalo room adjacent to Milagro’s lobby, the walk-through exhibit will depict vignettes from Kahlos’ home, the “Blue House” in Coyoacán, Mexico. Visitors will have the opportunity to read Frida’s letters and poetry, try on clothing and make-up, and even try their own hand at drawing a self-portrait. The exhibit will also include handmade dolls by Lulu Moon and photography by Sylvia Malán-González and Russell J. Young. The exhibit is free and open to the public one hour prior to each performance, as well as all day between 2 p.m. matinee and 8 p.m. closing performance Saturday, Jan. 19.

Below are dates and more information about this cultural event.

Thursday, Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m., Preview

Friday, Jan. 11, 8 p.m., Opening Night with complimentary reception catered by La Bamba Restaurant

Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.

Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m.

Matinees: Sunday, Jan. 13 and Saturday Jan. 19 at 2 p.m.

WHERE: Milagro Theatre, 525 SE Stark Street, Portland, Oregon 97214

ADMISSION: $12 – $24; discounts for students, seniors, groups of 15+ and advance purchases

Tickets can be purchased from or 503-236-7253

STUDY GUIDE: Complimentary bilingual study guide available from or

This production is sponsored by Garcia Seabold Investments, LLC                     

Miracle Theatre Group’s 2012-2013 season is supported in part by Equity Foundation, Regional Arts & Culture Council and Work for Art, Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Oregon Arts Commission, Collins Foundation, Ronni Lacroute, Oregon Community Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Kinsman Foundation, Shubert Foundation, Juan Young Trust, PGE Foundation, US Bancorp Foundation, KeyBank Foundation, Multnomah County Cultural Coalition, Rose Tucker Charitable Trust, Carpenter Foundation, Jackson Foundation, Hoover Family Foundation, Templeton Foundation, Portland Timbers, El Centinela, and El Hispanic News/PQ Monthly. 


For more than 28 years, the Miracle Theatre Group has been dedicated to bringing the vibrancy of Latino theatre to the Northwest community. In addition to its national tours, Miracle provides a home for Spanish and Latin American arts and culture at El Centro Milagro, where it enriches the local community with a variety of community outreach projects and educational programs designed to share the diversity of Latino culture. For more information about the Miracle Theatre Group, visit or call 503-236-7253.

Expressions: A Music and Arts Showcase Benefits Project Access NOW

Expressions: A Music and Arts Showcase Benefits Project Access NOW

Portland, November 1st. Project Access NOW supporters enjoyed an evening of artistic and musical “Expressions” at the nonprofit’s benefit where Ilene Safyan and Linda Nilsen-Solares were checking out the art. Project Access NOW connects low-income, uninsured people to  donated care across the Portland metropolitan area. (Photo credit, Benjamin Ortega)

Louis Delagato (artist) viewing Mary Undercoffer-Gallop's piece, Skyline from Hawthorne to Morrison.

Louis Delagato (artist) viewing Mary Undercoffer-Gallop’s piece, Skyline from Hawthorne to Morrison.

Dana Robinson and Bruce Bollard. She is the ticket winner of PSP's raffle.

Portland Society Page was pleased to see weekly highlight subscriber, Dana Robinson and her guest Bruce Bollard. Dana was the winner of our website ticket drawing. Thank you, Dana and Project Access Now!

The Expressions event showcased over 25 artists from the Northwest, and beyond, displaying more than 100 pieces of artwork in the Legacy Emanuel Medical Center Atrium.

Sponsors included, ZIVO Wines and the DOC Jazz Quartet.

Katherine Morris, MD, Surgical Oncologist, volunteer physician and medical director of Project Access Multnomah County, with a client

Katherine Morris, MD, Surgical Oncologist, volunteer physician and medical director of Project Access Multnomah County, with a client

From Project Access NOW

Project Access NOW coordinates a network of volunteer physicians and other health care providers, making it easier for them to donate medically necessary care to the low-income uninsured in our communities.

Our vision

Project Access NOW improves the health of our community by effectively linking those in greatest need with health care providers and organizations who have the wish and ability to serve

Our mission

The mission of Project Access NOW is to improve the health of our community by creating access to care and services for those most in need.

  • We value collaborative action which puts the common good above individual stakeholder benefits
  • We value efficiency in referral and care management in order to do the most good for the greatest number
  • We value dignity for our clients
  • We value meaningful participation of provider volunteers and stakeholders in program design, implementation and continuous improvement
  • We value open, timely and clear communication about our operations, business practices and financial position with stakeholders and volunteers
Our results

By helping the low-income uninsured navigate the health care system, Project Access NOW can get them the care they need. Today.

Project Access NOW staff is committed to connecting people to healthcare. We accomplish this by creating and maintaining a collaborative environment based on integrity, competence, responsiveness and respect.

Project Access makes the very best use of already existing resources, secures stable funding, and recruits volunteers while we, as a community, develop a broader health care solution.