Providence Health and Services

AIDS Walk Portland Raises Over $385,000 to Help Cascade AIDS ProjectAIDS Walk Portland Raises Over $385,000 to Help Cascade AIDS Project

AIDS Walk Portland Raises Over $385,000 to Help Cascade AIDS Project

Portland, September 22rd, 2013. More than 10,000 people marked the 27th anniversary of AIDS Walk Portland by pounding the pavement for 2.5…

11 years ago
Northwest Catholic Counseling Center (NCC)’s Spring Celebration Raises Over $42,000.Northwest Catholic Counseling Center (NCC)’s Spring Celebration Raises Over $42,000.

Northwest Catholic Counseling Center (NCC)’s Spring Celebration Raises Over $42,000.

Portland, April 6th, 2013. Yellow and purple tulips were the perfect springtime touch for The Northwest Catholic Counseling Center (NCC)’s…

12 years ago