Portland, OR. The Rose Parade on Saturday, June 6th will be a virtual parade featuring shoe box-size floats created by community members. Organizers say the event will be a celebration of marching bands, equestrian units, and other Rose Festival parade favorites. It will be a Facebook Live streaming event (here’s a link for the festivities), but viewers do not need a Facebook account to watch.
Participants were invited to use materials from home to build parade floats and submit a photograph or video for a June 6th video streaming presentation.
On May 22nd, the Portland Rose Festival kicked off its 2020 season with a virtual opening night concert and fireworks streamed on Facebook. This year, most Rose Festival events and activities have been suspended, so organizers had to find creative ways to celebrate despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Porch Parade encouraged people to decorate outside their homes.
Taking inspiration from the holiday tradition of loading the family in the car and touring neighborhood light displays, the Rose Festival has created a spring-time version with a Porch Parade.
Dignitaries formed a procession to tour selected homes that have registered at ParadingInPlace.com.
Porch Parade decorations are to remain on display May 16 through May 31.
You can check out the map at this link: View the Map
Residents with rose gardens visible from the street or sidewalks were also encouraged to register.
The Royal Rosarians “Roses for Hope” rose garden celebration included in the Porch Parade map features rose gardens visible from the street. Although viewable all summer, the Rosarians Roses for Hope will conclude with a virtual Rose Garden celebration on June 16, at 6:30 p.m. (via Zoom). #ROSESforHOPE
From The Rose Festival:
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that serves families and individuals with programs and events that promote the arts, education and volunteerism. We value environmental responsibility, diversity, patriotism and our historic & floral heritage.
Portland, OR. You can show your community spirit by decorating your front porch or creating a mini float at home. “Bringing Community Together While Staying Home” is the idea behind this year’s The Portland Rose Festival celebration. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rose Festival is modifying traditions in an effort to celebrate community spirit and resilience, and inspire hope. The concept is to be “Parading in Place!” Organizers invite you to join the festivities by submitting your entries for the Porch Parade in May, or the Grand Petite Parade in June.
Here’s all the information you need for the Porch Parade:
Rose Festival has always been a celebration of people, events, and traditions; bridging communities in the City of Roses and beyond. This spring we are asking members of the community to celebrate with us by decorating their front porches. Choose one of our themes as inspiration, or go wild with your own ideas. The purpose of decorating is to unleash your creativity and bring a smile to your friends and neighbors.
The Rose Festival will produce a virtual map with the locations of all our registered Porches, so you can plan a walk or drive around your neighborhood to see and share in the celebration.
Saturday, May 23 and Saturday, May 30 will each see a Rose Festival VIP Procession drive through select Porch Parade neighborhoods.
As a special thank you, the first 100 Porches in the Portland Metro Area that register will receive a FREE Rose Festival Porch Parade lawn sign that will magically appear in your lawn, no need to touch it or interact with anyone.
The more registered Porches in your neighborhood, the better your chances are for having the Rose Festival VIP Procession to come by, so get your neighbors involved too!
If you have a rose garden out front that’s visible from the street or sidewalk, we’d love to have you be a part of our Porch Parade Map! Use the Porch Parade registration form to register your rose garden.
Step 2: Decorate Your Porch
Choose one of our themes as inspiration, or go wild with your own ideas. The point of decorating is to unleash your creativity and inspire hope for your friends and neighbors.
Porches must be fully decorated by 12 noon on Saturday, May 16, and able to stay up until midnight Saturday, May 30.
Porches must be appropriate for a family-friendly audience.
Don’t have a porch? No problem! Feel free to decorate your lawn, the sidewalk, a window, or something else visible from the street or sidewalk.
Step 3: Explore, Celebrate, Share
Check the Porch Parade Map often to see how the celebration is growing!
Go for a walk around your neighborhood, take pictures of the Porches you find, and tag us on social to help share the joy! @pdxrosefestival #paradinginplace #RFporchparade #rosesforhope
The more people who take part, the more celebration there is to share, so get your friends and neighbors involved!
Rules & Regulations:
Displays must be fully decorated by 12 noon on Saturday, May 16, and able to stay up until Saturday, May 30, and must be appropriate for a family audience.
Displays should not focus on religious, political, ideological, or controversial themes or issues. Use of any political sign, social or political material is not permitted.
Portland Rose Festival reserves the right to exclude any displays that do not meet our guidelines or that feature content not aligned with our mission.
Registration for the Porch Parade or Grand Petite Parade and/or tagging @pdxrosefestival or using #paradinginplace, #RFporchparade, #grandpetiteparade, #grandfloralfun, #juniormakers, #starlightporchbright or #rosesforhope with related photos or videos on social media, grants the Portland Rose Festival permission to use your images and footage on any platform.
Here’s information on the Grand Petite Parade:
The Grand Petite Parade will premiere on Facebook Live on Saturday, June 6. This virtual parade will feature shoebox floats from community members, a celebration of marching bands, and other Rose Festival parade favorites. Just like the early Rose Festival parades that used Portlanders’ own roses to decorate the floats, participants are invited to use materials from home to build shoebox parade floats and submit photos to be included in the live stream.
Have you always wanted to see a float that features a unicorn? Can you imagine a float that is fit for the Rose Festival Queen? Do you have a favorite Rose Festival float from the past that you’d like to recreate (or improve upon) with materials from home? Create your own shoebox float and send in your photos and videos to be a part of the parade.
Don’t have any craft supplies at home? No problem! Does your family have a particular parade talent that you’ve always wanted to share? Forego the float and send in photos and videos of your family marching band, drill team, or synchronized baton routine!
Now is your chance to showcase your creativity and talents, and maybe win some fun Rose Festival swag in the process! Grand Petite Parade “Rosette Award” winners will be chosen from eligible entries and revealed during the live stream.
Step 1 – Create:
Grab a “shoebox” – Start with a base like a recently delivered online order box, or grandma’s hatbox, or your skateboard, or even an RC car to build on. It doesn’t have to roll, but it does need to meet the minimum size requirements.
Find your materials – Entries should be made from things you already have at home. You could use flowers from your yard, craft supplies, construction paper, dolls/action figures, paper mache, clay, paint, markers, sequins, seeds, or anything else you can find to bring your float to life!
Pick a theme and start building – floats can showcase an original design, recreate (or improve upon) a historical parade float, or tell a story about your vision for future Rose Festival parades!
Step 2 – Share:
Show us your progress – document the steps you take as you build your Grand Petite Parade float. Are you making marching band uniforms for your action figures – show us how! Are you making a butterfly float that flaps its wings – let us see how it works! Post progress pictures, tips and tricks, fun teases of your theme, or even bloopers on your social media and tag us @pdxrosefestival #paradinginplace #GrandPetiteParade for a chance to be featured on the Rose Festival’s social media prior to parade day.
Submit your entry – fill out the Registration Form and send us photos of your finished creation.
Step 3 – Celebrate:
Watch the parade – See your float featured in the the Grand Petite Parade on Facebook Live at 11am, Saturday, June 6, 2020.
Share your participation – All participants will receive a digital certificate acknowledging their participation in the first ever Grand Petite Parade!
Win Rose Festival swag – “Rosette Award” certificates will be given in several categories! Winners will receive souvenir 2020 Rose Vision lapel pins, and the Sweepstakes winner will be invited to attend a future Grand Floral Parade as guests of the Portland Rose Festival!
Rules and Regulations:
Completed floats should measure a minimum of 12” long by 10” high – there are no maximum dimensions.
Entries and themes must be appropriate for a family audience. Entry should not focus on religious, political, ideological, or controversial themes or issues. Use of any political sign, social or political material is not permitted.
All submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m., PST, June 1, 2020.
Portland Rose Festival reserves the right to edit photos and videos as needed.
Registration for the Grand Petite Parade or Porch Parade and/or tagging @pdxrosefestival or using #paradinginplace, #RFporchparade, #grandpetiteparade, or #rosesforhope with related photos or videos on social media, grants the Portland Rose Festival permission to use your images and footage on any platform.
Portland Rose Festival reserves the right to exclude any submissions that do not meet our guidelines or that feature content not aligned with our mission.
“Rosette Award” winners will be chosen from eligible entries and decided at the sole discretion of the Portland Rose Festival Foundation. Winners will receive prize notifications via email and any physical awards will be sent via standard US post.
Join the parade! Complete our online Registration Form to submit your entry for the Grand Petite Parade. Eligible entries include shoebox floats, family marching bands, and other parade-style acts of showmanship! Share progress pictures, tips and tricks, fun teases of your theme, or even bloopers on your social media and tag us @pdxrosefestival #paradinginplace #GrandPetiteParade for a chance to be featured on the Rose Festival’s social media prior to parade day.
All entries must include 1-3 photos of the float or group. Shoebox floats wishing to be eligible for Rosette Awards must include a photo featuring the completed float from the front right side, “traveling” in the direction from left to right of the image frame. Videos are not required, but 1 video, up to 15 seconds in length, may be submitted in addition to photos.
All entries must be received by 5pm, June 1, 2020, in order to qualify for the Grand Petite Parade. If you have questions or need additional information, please send us an email with the subject line: Grand Petite Parade.
Helpful Tips and Award Information
You don’t need a shoebox to put your best foot forward! As long as your float meets the minimum size requirement and meets the rules for theme and content – it can be made from anything you already have at home. Floats are not required to roll or move, but extra creativity points may be awarded for motion, automation, or animation. You can begin with a theme or idea and collect materials to bring that float to life, or you can look around your home to find items you’d like to feature and build your float to suit your materials.
Get the whole family involved! Choose a design you can all get behind and work together. Are you the competitive sort…then why not pick a theme and let everyone build their own masterpiece?
Do you need help getting the creative juices flowing? Maybe the Rosette Award categories will help to inspire you! These awards for shoebox floats are based on the real awards given to all floral covered floats in the Grand Floral Parade each year. Grand Petite Parade Rosette Awards will be announced on Saturday, June 6, 2020.
Sweepstakes Rosette (Most outstanding float in the Parade)
Queens Rosette (Most creative float in the Parade)
Grab your snacks, gather the family, and watch the Grand Petite Parade on Facebook Live, 11 am on Saturday, June 6, at the Portland Rose Festival page. Follow us at @pdxrosefestival and on the Rose Festival Facebook Page to get updates and notifications.
The virtual parade will feature shoebox floats and creative entries from community members, a celebration of marching bands, and other Rose Festival parade favorites.
Portland, OR. Portlanders are getting a chance to tour several U.S. and Canada ships and meet military service members and veterans. Ship tours continue through Sunday, June 10th. The Rose Festival Court made history on June 9th when Kiara Johnson became the first student from Parkrose high school honored as Queen of Rosaria. Queen Kiara, plans on attending college to pursue a career as a veterinarian or journalist. Each Rose Festival Court member receives a $3500 Scholarship courtesy of The Randal Group to use at a collage of their choice.
Kiara Johnson and her family.
Another first was a canine Rose Festival Parade Grand Marshal named Diesel, a 2 1/2 year-old English Mastiff. Diesel was chosen in a contest benefiting the Rose Festival’s 2018 Official Charity, the Oregon Humane Society.
Diesel rode in a convertible during the parade.
The 2018 parade drew hundreds of thousands of cheering people to the 4-mile route.
The nation’s most storied marching band: the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps make their first appearance in Portland since 1989.
Below is a list of the winners:
Hillmann Lueddemann Jr. Sweepstakes Award (Most outstanding float in the Parade) Alaska Airlines
President’s Award (Most effective overall floral presentation) Reser’s Fine Foods
Queens Award (Most Creative float in the parade) p:ear
Governor’s Award (Best depiction of life in Oregon) Portland General Electric
Royal Rosarian Award (Best craftsmanship and workmanship) Fred Meyer
Rose Society Award (Most effective use and display of roses) Unitus Community Credit Union
Rose Festival Directors Award (Best depiction of volunteerism) Northwest Chinese Alliance
Rose Festival Court Award (Best example of enthusiasm and teamwork) Juega Feliz
Grand Marshal Award (Best depiction of whimsy) Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon
Theme Award (Best presentation of Rose Festival theme – Play Happy) Rose Festival CityFair
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Award (Best depiction of community spirit) Cambia Portland Classic
Peg Roseboro Award (Most artistic design and presentation) Spirit mountain Casino
Dick Powers Picture Perfect Award (Best Mini-float) Metro Mini-Float
Parade Queen Award Westminster Hyack Festival Mini-float
Parade Chairman Award Lincoln City Mini-FloatBAND AWARDS:
Band Sweepstakes (Best Band in Parade)
Westview High School
In-State Division A (99 Members or Less)
First Place – Hillsboro High School, Hillsboro, OR
Second Place – Aloha High School, Beaverton, OR
Third Place – Lincoln High School, Portland, OR
In-State Open (100 or more)
First Place – Tualatin High School, Tualatin, OR
Second Place – Oregon City High School, Oregon City, OR
Third Place – Century High School, Hillsboro, OR
Out-of-State Division A (99 Members or Less)
First Place – Battle Ground High School, Battle Ground, WA
Second Place – Prairie High School, Brush Prairie, WA
Third Place – South Kitsap High School, Port Orchard, WA
Vern Hulit Award for Excellence in Preparation,
Organization and Presentation
Happy Canyon Princesses
Native or National Costume, Individual/Pair
Happy Canyon Indian Princesses
Native Dress – Group
Hawaii Pa’u Riders
Rodeo or Fair Queen and Court
Pendleton Round Up Court
Here’s information on more Rose Festival events:
Join the thrill of the Dragon Boat Race Saturday and Sunday at the Waterfront Bowl area near Riverplace Marina as more than 50 teams push the traditional ornately decorated Dragons to victory. Teams of up to 20 paddlers compete in Women’s, Mixed and Student categories from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. both days.
CityFair wraps the festival with great food, extra kids fun and Funtastic carnival rides. If they went by too fast on Saturday, come down to CityFair and see them up close as the floats from the Grand Floral Parade put the brakes on and pause for photo-ops along Naito Parkway for the Grand Floral Float Showcase starting at 3:00 p.m. Saturday through 4:00 p.m. Sunday.
Also on Sunday amateur ukulele players are invited to join the first Ukulele Rose Experience and jam session. Led by local musician Rick Huddle and Introducing bass player Matt Lynch, the one hour session will be emceed by comedian & Clown Prince Angel Ocasio. Join the music Sunday, June 10, 20181:30 p.m. ‐ 2:30 p.m. on the Rose City Stage inside CityFair at Tom McCall Waterfront Park. CityFair admission is FREE with ukulele and all ages and skill levels welcome! (Bring your music stand).
Since the very beginning of the Rose Festival back in 1907, visiting ships and other fleet-related elements (like submarines) have been making their way to Portland’s waterfront. The City of Portland is known to be a favorite port of call for military (and non-military) visitors — and citizens enjoy making these visitors welcome! One of the purposes of Fleet Week has always been to celebrate and thank the active and reserve military personnel and all veterans. The Portland Rose Festival is extremely fortunate to be one of a few U.S. Ports of Call for a courtesy visit from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and Royal Canadian Navy. Their arrival commemorates a relationship with the Navy that has lasted more than 100 years, and over 80 years of visiting Portland during the Rose Festival. It is a significant commitment by the Navy to make the Rose Festival Fleet Week one of the premier Fleet Week events in the country.
Portland, OR. The 2018 Portland Rose Festival Grand Marshal is Diesel, a 2 year old English Mastiff. The Canine Grand Marshal will ride in the Spirit Mountain Casino Grand Floral Parade on Saturday, June 9th. He was selected from 20 finalists at the Canine Coronation Ceremony at the Heathman Hotel.
Burt Usher, Terrier Mix, 9 years old
Jackson, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 12 years old
Molly, Golden Doodle, 2 years old
Nearly 150 applicants ranging from service dogs to companion pets entered the contest. Oregon Humane Society, the Portland Rose Festival‘s Official Charity for 2018, helped narrowed the field to twenty. Other finalists for the Caine Court included:
Finalist Ponyo, Pomeranian/Chihuahua Mix, 7 years old
B.B., Wirehair Dachshund, 3 years old
Bruno, Cockapoo, 6 years old
Ezekiel James, Husky/Shepherd Mix, 10 years old
Filly, English Springer Spaniel, 9 years old
George, Pit Bull/Basset Hound Mix, 10 months old
Gucci, Black Labrador, 6 years old
Mango, Siberian Husky, 3 years old
Matilda, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, 6 months old
Miles, French Bulldog, 9 years old
Mister Darcy, Airedale Terrier Mix, 2 years old
Professor Schnitzel, Mini Dachshund, 13 years old
Sebastian Grey, Chinese Crested, 10 years old
ShellBea, Newfoundland, 6 years old
Timmy, Cairn Terrier, 14 years old
# # #
The Oregon Humane Society is the Northwest’s oldest and largest humane society, with one of the highest adoption rates in the nation. Founded in 1868, OHS receives no government funds for its adoption, education and animal cruelty investigation programs. Visit oregonhumane.org for more information or to make a donation.
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves families and individuals with programs and events that promote the arts, education and volunteerism. We value environmental responsibility, diversity, patriotism and our historic & floral heritage. The 2018 Rose Festival runs from May 25 through June 10 www.rosefestival.org.
Portland, OR. Could bespectacled Rusty, the 8-year-old Golden Retriever be the Grand Marshal of the Rose Festival Parade on June 9th? Rusty is one of twenty finalists vying for a chance to be on the first ever Rose Festival Canine Court. Nearly 150 applicants ranging from service dogs to companion pets entered the contest. Oregon Humane Society, the Portland Rose Festival‘s Official Charity for 2018, helped narrowed the field to twenty.
Finalist Ponyo, Pomeranian/Chihuahua Mix, 7 years old
A panel of celebrity judges will choose the five members of the Canine Court, including the Canine Grand Marshal, at a special OHS fundraiser called the Canine Coronation ceremony at the Heathman Hotel, Wednesday, May 23rd.
Other finalists for the Caine Court include:
B.B., Wirehair Dachshund, 3 years old
Bruno, Cockapoo, 6 years old
Burt Usher, Terrier Mix, 9 years old
Diesel, English Mastiff, 2.5 years old
Ezekiel James, Husky/Shepherd Mix, 10 years old
Filly, English Springer Spaniel, 9 years old
George, Pit Bull/Basset Hound Mix, 10 months old
Gucci, Black Labrador, 6 years old
Jackson, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 12 years old
Mango, Siberian Husky, 3 years old
Matilda, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, 6 months old
Miles, French Bulldog, 9 years old
Mister Darcy, Airedale Terrier Mix, 2 years old
Molly, Golden Doodle, 2 years old
Professor Schnitzel, Mini Dachshund, 13 years old
Sebastian Grey, Chinese Crested, 10 years old
ShellBea, Newfoundland, 6 years old
Timmy, Cairn Terrier, 14 years old
The Canine Grand Marshal will ride in the Spirit Mountain Casino Grand Floral Parade, which will begin at 10 a.m., Saturday, June 9 at Memorial Coliseum.
# # #
The Oregon Humane Society is the Northwest’s oldest and largest humane society, with one of the highest adoption rates in the nation. Founded in 1868, OHS receives no government funds for its adoption, education and animal cruelty investigation programs. Visit oregonhumane.org for more information or to make a donation.
The Portland Rose Festival Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves families and individuals with programs and events that promote the arts, education and volunteerism. We value environmental responsibility, diversity, patriotism and our historic & floral heritage. The 2018 Rose Festival runs from May 25 through June 10 www.rosefestival.org.
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