Roy Jay

Roy Jay’s Annual Holiday Event Draws Standing Room Only CrowdRoy Jay’s Annual Holiday Event Draws Standing Room Only Crowd

Roy Jay’s Annual Holiday Event Draws Standing Room Only Crowd

Portland, December 6th, 2014. The Spinners, Illusionist Hart Keene from America's Got Talent, Erik Swartz from Laff Factory in Los Angeles,…

10 years ago
Roy Jay’s Annual Holiday Extravaganza Benefits Project Clean SlateRoy Jay’s Annual Holiday Extravaganza Benefits Project Clean Slate

Roy Jay’s Annual Holiday Extravaganza Benefits Project Clean Slate

Portland, December 14th, 2013. Nearly 700 people converged on the Oregon Convention Center to celebrate the holidays and raise money…

11 years ago
South Waterfront Sparkles as New Restaurant “Quartet” Fills Lucier’s VoidSouth Waterfront Sparkles as New Restaurant “Quartet” Fills Lucier’s Void

South Waterfront Sparkles as New Restaurant “Quartet” Fills Lucier’s Void

Portland, February 8th, 2013. The VIP preview of "Quartet" drew dozens of Portland's movers and shakers. The new restaurant will open…

12 years ago
Mary Wilson of The Supremes Brightens 2013 for Local Charities at Spam and Velveeta BashMary Wilson of The Supremes Brightens 2013 for Local Charities at Spam and Velveeta Bash

Mary Wilson of The Supremes Brightens 2013 for Local Charities at Spam and Velveeta Bash

Portland, December 14th. Nearly 1,000 people packed the Oregon Convention Center to raise money for seven different local nonprofits including…

12 years ago
MIKE Program’s Autumn Evening 2012 Marks 9th Anniversary of Healthy LivingMIKE Program’s Autumn Evening 2012 Marks 9th Anniversary of Healthy Living

MIKE Program’s Autumn Evening 2012 Marks 9th Anniversary of Healthy Living

Portland, September 14th. MIKE Program  supporters enjoyed an upbeat fundraiser at the Multnomah Athletic Club. The nonprofit raised over $50,000 to help…

12 years ago