Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Celebrates Another Exciting Year
Portland, June 11th, 2013. Nearly 100 friends gathered in Zidell Hall at the Rose Schnitzer Manor for the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation 2013 Annual Reception. Min Zidell was surrounded by family as she was honored as Oregon Jewish Community Foundation’s outstanding Legacy Society Member for her endowment fund created for Oregon’s Jewish Indigent Burial Society, Hesed Shel Emet. (photo credit, Elie Bulka) Family members include: Steve Lippman, Matt French, Vicki French, Mike French, Jessica Justice, Jason and Athena Zidell, Stephanie Sherwood, Charlene Zidell, Becky Polley and Jay Zidell. Mackenzie Polley is on Min Zidell’s left.

Outgoing President, Eric Rosenfeld, presents an award to Min Zidell as OJCF’s Outstanding Legacy Society Member for her endowment fund created for Oregon’s Jewish Indigent Burial Society, Hesed Shel Emet.
Hesed Shel Emet recognizes that all Jews deserve to be buried with dignity regardless of their financial circumstance. The program was spearheaded by Cedar Sinai Park chief development officer Debbi Bodie in 2009, and is led by Steering Committee Chair Rabbi Ariel Stone, the Oregon Board of Rabbis and a committee of community leaders. Ms. Bodie continues to administer Hesel Shel Emet with the support of Cedar Sinai Park.
This is the first permanent endowment for Hesed Shel Emet. The ultimate goal is to have the financial needs of the program met through endowment funds like this.

Julie Diamond, Executive Director presents Eric Rosenfeld, Outgoing President with an award and a capybara t-shirt. Mr. Rosenfeld is President of Capybara Ventures.
Charlene Zidell speaks about her mother, Min Zidell’s, endowment for
the Oregon Jewish Indigent Burial Society, Hesed Shel Emet.
Attendees also paid tribute to OJCF outgoing president Eric Rosenfeld, who has led the foundation since 2010 and welcomed incoming president Sharon Morell. Mr. Rosenfeld is a managing partner at Capybara Ventures and a co-founder of the Oregon Angel Fund. Ms. Morell is a relationship manager for Morley Financial. She is also a member of the foundation’s investment committee, the OJCF Youth Foundation Advisory Committee and is the treasurer of Cedar Sinai Park.
The board and fund holders also approved the 2013-2014 roster of board members which include new members Owen Blank and Mrs. Zidell’s daughter, Charlene Zidell. Mr. Blank is a partner with Tonkon Torp LLP and has served on the boards and advisory panels of many local organizations. Ms. Zidell, is the Director of Corporate Relations and Communications for Zidell Industries and is actively engaged in the community sitting on numerous non-profit boards, donating her time and resources.
Jeffrey Wolfstone, who formerly served as Congregation Beth Israel’s representative for OJCF, will continue on the board as Vice President on the Executive Committee as an at-large member. Mr. Wolfstone is a shareholder at Lane Powell. He continues to serve on the board of Congregation Beth Israel and is a member of the Portland Angel Network.
About OJCF
The Oregon Jewish Community Foundation is dedicated to creating, promoting, and facilitating a culture of giving, and serves as the guardian of permanent funds available to safeguard the quality of Jewish communal life in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The Foundation invests its assets to foster strong support of the community’s current needs while also providing resources for future generations.