Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington Launch Marie Lamfrom Women of Distinction Luncheon
Portland, September 18th, 2013. Almost 450 guests gathered for the inaugural Marie Lamfrom Women of Distinction honors. They celebrated Former Governor Barbara Roberts and Oregon Attorney who is pictured with Girl Scout Troop 14105 of Woodburn. The second recipient was General Ellen Rosenblum. The event raised $125,000 ,including a generous matching grant from the Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund. The benefit at the Governor Hotel also honored the 19,000 Girl Scouts and 11,600 volunteers who serve them throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington.

The family of Marie Lamfrom, for whom the Women of Distinction Award
is named: Gert Boyle, Rachel Bany, Sally Bany, Lise Labby Raven,
GSOSW board member Eva Labby.

2013 Marie Lamfrom Women of Distinction Award recipients: Former
Governor of Oregon Barbara Roberts and Oregon Attorney General Ellen
Girl Scout program
The focal point of the Girl Scout program is the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE)—the framework for defining what girls do in Girl Scouting. Programs engage girls in three key activities: discovering who they are and what they value; connecting with others; and taking action to make the world a better place. To ensure a high-quality and fun experience, Girl Scout activities use three processes: girl-led; learning-by-doing; and cooperative-learning. Our success is demonstrated by the fact that Girl Scout alumnae make up 53 percent of female business owners, and 59 percent of women serving in the U.S. Congress. The Girl Scout grade levels are:
- Girl Scout Daisy: Grades K–1
- Girl Scout Brownie: Grades 2–3
- Girl Scout Junior: Grades 4–5
- Girl Scout Cadette: Grades 6–8
- Girl Scout Senior: Grades 9–10
- Girl Scout Ambassador: Grades 11–12
Girl Scouts is open to all girls in grades K–12. Annual membership dues are $15 per year and financial assistance is available for those that qualify. Our organization values diversity and inclusiveness and does not discriminate on any basis. Become a member today!
Girl Scouts is a volunteer-driven organization. You can make a difference in the lives of girls! Girl Scouts will match your skills, interests and availability to volunteer opportunities.
Fast facts (FY 2012)
- 19,291 girl members
- 11,597 adult volunteers
- 73 full-time and 23 part-time staff (fluctuates slightly throughout the year)
- $6.2 million budget
- $136,150 provided in financial assistance; assitance is provided to one in every three girls
- Annual cost to support each girl who participates in a volunteer-led experience=$325/girl
Funds raised through product sales, program and camp fees=$25/girl
Amount we need to raise annually=$70/girl; $1,350,370 Girl Scouts OSW total - 21 girls earned the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting
- 4,175 girls attended day camps and 1,237 girls attended resident camp
- 10 properties and 5 service centers throughout the council’s jurisdiction
Girl Scout Cookie Program
Our well-known Girl Scout Cookie Program is much more than a fundraiser. This program is a hands-on leadership and entrepreneurial program for girls, teaching five essential life skills: goal setting, money management, decision making, business ethics and people skills. Many successful business women today got their start selling Girl Scout cookies!
Our council’s pre-sales begin in January, cookies arrive in February and booth sales run from mid-February till mid-March. There are eight delicious varieties to choose from: Thin Mints, Samoas® ,Tagalongs®, Do-si-dos®, Dulce de Leche, Trefoils, Thank You Berry Munch™ and new in 2012, Savannah Smiles. In honor of Girl Scouts’ 100th anniversary, this lemony delight pays tribute to the birthplace of Girl Scouting in Savannah, Georgia and – when held just right – looks like a “Brownie Smile!”
Each box of Girl Scout cookies costs $4.00 and proceeds (per box) are distributed as follows:
- Troop proceeds $.65 (minimum)
- Recognitions $.20 (girl prizes and cookie credits)
- Service unit grant $.06 max (used to support troops and volunteers in their community)
- Program for girls $1.95 (training, maintaining camp properties, financial assistance, etc.)
- Cost of cookies $.95
- Other $.14 (costs associated with cookie program – marketing, bad debts, bad checks, etc.)
Community outreach
- Hispanic Initiative – The Hispanic Initiative is dedicated to supporting Latina/Hispanic girls and adults throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. Currently the program is focused in Clackamas, Jackson, Josephine, Marion, Multnomah, Lane, Lynn and Washington counties. The work of the Hispanic Initiative resulted in a 28% increase in Hispanic girl membership for our council in 2011. To learn more about the Hispanic Initiative, contact your local Hispanic Initiative Coordinator.
- Girl Scouts Beyond Bars –GSBB participants meet twice a month with their mothers who reside at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Wilsonville. The program provides Girl Scout activities in a safe and supportive environment and focuses on re-establishing relationships, Girl Scout values and healthy decision-making skills.