Trillium Family Services 4th Annual Black and Gold Gala Raises $350,000
Portland, OR. Supporters rallied to offer hope to families and support mental health in Oregon by attending the fourth annual Trillium Family Services “Keep Oregon Well” Gala on Saturday, May 18th at The Sentinel Hotel. Trillium Group CEO Kim Scott presented Joanne McClarty with the Lifetime Achievement Award. (Photo credit, Tom Cook)
From Trillium Family Services:
Trillium Family Services is Oregon’s largest provider of mental and behavioral healthcare for children and families and has been ranked as one of the most effective children’s mental health organizations in the state. From residential psychiatric treatment to mental health advocacy in the streets, we are committed to transforming the state of Oregon into a safer, more supportive place for all people to live, work, play and learn.
A special thanks to all of our sponsors and table hosts who made this event possible, including:
Presenting Sponsor
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon
Gold Sponsors
Jean Meaks-Koch/Positively People
The Standard
Silver Sponsors
Park Academy
Lifetime Achievement Award Sponsor
David & Shirley Pollock